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cage scratching??


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my baby Lil Einstein is 11 1/2 weeks old, or at least that what im told, but today he started going to the bottom of his cage and scrathing at it?? is this normal or something I should be concerned with?? He's taking his feedings good and picking at his fruits and veggies. Its not a constant thing but i've caught him doing it a few times.<br><br>Post edited by: treyversmom, at: 2009/08/05 02:38

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I believe Lil Einstein just wants out of his cage. There are several threads where others have asked this question. It is normal for a younger grey to do this, some want attention, some just want out of the cage. Since you are available open the door and see if he wants out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI, My Grey who I have had for 15 and a half years still will scratch on the floor if she gets to it. My husband recently read that when greys do this that most people think it has to do with breeding but it is forging. In there natural habitat they do this on the ground looking for food or whatever they can find. So don't worry its a natural instinct.


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