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My schedule with my new job is so crazy, changes dailey from starting at 6:30 am to starting at 3pm. ZZeros life has changed so much and I try to get every second with him as possible.


So my question is when I go in so early in the morning should I wake him to get ready with me so he can get a hour outta cage or let my hubby wake him at his normal 8:00. My hubby cant really handle him so he just feeds him breakfast, then his veggies and he stays in his cage till I get home. waking him 2 hours early gonna affect his mood, and do you think its easier on him not to see me leave?<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2009/08/04 19:03

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Hmmmm....that's kind of a tough one. I would think that making sure that he is waking up and going to bed at the same time every day should take precedent. Varying the hours he wakes up that drastically might cause issues with the quality of sleep he gets each night. Just thinking out loud here. Things that occur during the day while he's awake such as when you leave/arrive from work are things he would probably adapt to a bit easier than messing with his wakeup/bedtimes. You never know, with your hubby being the only one home on a semi-regular basis when he wakes up might improve their relationship! :) That's what had happened with us and Chimay...my boyfriend used to work until 9pm every night, and Chimay was always in bed by the time he got home. About a month ago, his schedule changed and now he gets home before I do. Having "daddy" get him his dinner and play with him until I get home has really done greYt things for their relationship.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/08/04 20:04

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I would recommend keeping the sleep hours the same for Zzero and your hours of interaction with him are what changes depending on which shift your on.


My wife's schedule changes at times like that and I leave to work in san jose for 3 to five days at a time at 230 in the morning. What I do as I am passing the cage at "O dark thirty" is just tell dayo "Bye, I love you Dayo". I forgot to do that about 2 weeks ago and Kim said Dayo was upset and acting different that day. Maybe he thought I was upset with him for some reason and didn't say my normal goodbye.


Anyway, your birds sleep is what needs to stay constant and not change different days of the week when your schedule does.


Atleast thats my thoughts on this. :-)

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I do shift work and one week I start at 6.30am the next week it a 2pm start.When on earlies I have no choice but to uncover the birds and feed them before I leave.Charlie will often want out,so I let him have a little time out. I get up at 5am to do this.Some mornings I just get a dirty look from him as if to say are you kidding,im not getting up yet.I do feel sly having to do this but the two birds are not really bothered and just get on with it.I also believe in routine and some thing in the birds day dont change.

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Thank you guys so much, this has eased my mind alot. I also think its good for hubby to feed him and interact with him with me not around. he loves my hubby, wants to be around him even sit on him but will NOT step up or let him touch him. so this may make the situation better and he can get all his hours of sleep .


thanks thanks thanks

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