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Hello from Michigan

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Hello everyone. My name is Gao. I'm from Michigan. I have a baby TAG coming home soon. Should be within the next few weeks. I'm so excited. I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful breeder near by. I've been wanting a grey for years but I wanted to make sure I was ready for one. I did a lot of research about both the CAG and the TAG. When I went to the breeder I fell in love with my TAG. She just to funny. Well I hope to meet so good people with great advice for me. Sammy_202.jpg


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Hello Gao and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this Tag. Have you decided on a name yet?


She is a pretty thing and thanks so much for including a picture of her in your opening post, I am sure you are going to spoil her rotten when you get her home.


You are right we do have lots of advice and you will find a lot of it in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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