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No more bombings


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Something great happened this morning. My wife sat down watching TV after preparing breakfast for Koko.

After finishing her breakfast, Koko went to sit on my wife's head. She sat there quietly for quite sometime. Then she made a flight to her perch and bombed on the tray below. Soon after bombing, she made a return flight to my wife's head.

This is the 1st time Koko did not poo on my wife's head. My wife's head used to be her potty bowl.


A few hours later, while sitting on my wife's shoulder koko decided to jump on her perch to poo and then jumped back on my wife's shoulder. My wife was standing next to her perch. She did it twice today.


We didn't train her to do that. I think it must be all the scoldings she had from my wife.


Hope Koko would do that for long term other wise my wife got to buy more shampoo.

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LOL well My Grandmother used to say that if a bird poops on your head it means good luck is coming your way financially so I think maybe your wife is going to be very rich. I keep wondering when I'm going to get my windfall Adaya has pooped on my head to many time to even think about.:laugh::sick: :evil: :silly:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 08:43

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Tycos_mom wrote:

LOL well My Grandmother used to say that if a bird poops on your head it means good luck is coming your way financially so I think maybe your wife is going to be very rich. I keep wondering when I'm going to get my windfall Adaya has pooped on my head to many time to even think about.:laugh::sick: :evil: :silly:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 08:43


Not really, we have never won lottery before. An old friend visited me sometime back. Koko seemed to like my friend.

She poo on him while sitting on his shoulder. You know what? My friend won 500 bucks in lottery the next day.

He said Koko gave him luck. Darn Koko! I thought of cooking Koko.:evil:

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dhorje wrote:


My friend won 500 bucks in lottery the next day.

He said Koko gave him luck. Darn Koko! I thought of cooking Koko.:evil:


OMG, you wouldn't:blink: :ohmy:


I know you are just kidding, I couldn't resist it!


What a smart grey you have, that is wonderful that Koko is smart enough to go potty before coming onto your wife's head, I think he got the message! PMSL:laugh:

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