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leaving on a jet plane


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Just thought I'd let folks know that I'll be in Europe over the next 2 weeks and therefore have limited access to our family here. I am leaving in about5 hrs. I am choosing not to bring a computer with me, but will be able to jump on from time to time at internet cafes etc.


Kip is now 13 months old and this will be the longest time we will be away from her yet. We did go to Hawaii a month ago for 6 days and that went fine. We have some good friends that are experienced bird keepers that will actually be house sitting for us...and I have left DETAILED instructions for the to follow! :P


Anyways, I hope all goes well. It is amazing how stressful it is to be away from our beloved pets...I miss her already and have not even left yet.


Take care!

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Yes take lots of photos for us to enjoy, and I know you worry about Kip, I guess we all do when we have to leave our babies, we think the caretaker won't give them the attention they need. I'm sure all will go well and she will be so glad when you get home it will be worth the trip. Have a lovely time and a safe trip.:)

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