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I have a few questions


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Well first of all let me tell you that Houdini did good today. He hangs out on his cage door. So today I put some toys to hang where he could play while he hangs out....lol

He got brave today and glided down to the floor. Now remember I have 6 chihuahua's ....lol they all get along but you never know accidents do happen. Thank goodness I keep an eye on him. It is so funny though because its like he wants to walk around and check everything out..he climbed up the couch and down again climbed underneith my kitchen table. He is a very active little guy. I let him look around because he is very curious.

OK what I really need to know is this.... He is not eating his vegies well at all should I be worried or just keep trying. I did get him to eat maybe a teaspoon of raw carrot today I chopped it up pretty fine for him.

As far as the fruit I bought apples which he didnt care for and they were chopped small for him. also tried canalope and watermelon. Should I just keep on trying different ones until I find one he likes? Should I be worried that he is not eating them still?

He is eating his zupreem very good infact he almost finished his whole bowl today I was really surprised.


Oh and another thing I am not sure of. when I get up in the morning and I take off his cover I have been saying good morning to him ....well he opens his mouth and makes a monster like sound...dont know how to describe it.lol it that because he is trying to talk but doesnt have his voice yet.

Ok I think thats it for now. Thank you guys for all your help I do appreciate you more than you know !!!

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Dixie and Sterling are at opposite ends of the spectrum on their diets. Dixie eats everything I give her - but that has resulted in making sure I giver her foods to choose from every day since I got her. Her diet at the bird shop was a pellet/seed mix and white rice and mixed vegetables. Now she gets fresh banana, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi (whatever fresh fruit I have that day) in her breakfast bowl. Some days she eats the fruit, some days she doesn't. Depends on her mood. An example of what I give her for breakfast is a few slices of banana, a few grapes, a half a strawberry in her bowl. She always has her Harrison's (only brand I've found her to eat).


Dinner consists of some form of cooked pasta or long grain brown rice with some form of vegetables - usually whatever I have for dinner. She loves sweet potatoes but they have to be cooked, slightly warm and with a little bit of cinnamon but not mashed. Finding that combination was a lot of experimentation. Broccoli also has to be cooked, but squash and zuchinni are great fresh - go figure.


Sterling won't touch Harrison's but loves Zupreem pellets. He's learning to accept "fresh" foods - the same things I fix for Dixie, but is not completely there yet.


Give Houdini time, he will learn to accept the fresh fruit and vegetables, and as long as he eats his Zupreem and is drinking plenty of water he's fine. He's still settling in, learning about his new home and learning to trust you. This bond will strengthen over time and the idea of trying new foods will increase as his bond with you increases.


You're doing a fantastic job - keep up the good work.



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It sounds like Houdini is a very adventurous and outgoing Grey, congratulations!! The flip side is, you will always be wondering.... NOW where is he, just like a young child when you notice it's quite and you don't see them. :P


Robin gave GreYt advice and comments on what works for her FIDs.


Keep offering veggies, small quantities of fruit, bean mixes etc each day. They turn their beak up to them one day and the next day or three days later they are eating like theres no tomorrow.


The "Monster" sound you describe, is it like a scream or a growl? If it is, he is still a little afraid and the uncovering may scare him a little until he gets used to it.


He sounds like one fantastic Grey! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/04 15:48

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It sounds like Houdini is adjusting to his new home very nicely, he sounds like my Ecko, he climbs all over everything. They are very curious little babies I tell ya lol. I had the same problem with Ecko about the veggies. He wouldn't eat much of them but he did eat a lot of his pellets/seed mix. I started to offer him more different things to see what he likes best. He hated his veggies cold so I always cooked them for him. I get the frozen veggie mix and found that he likes that the best because it has different kinds of veggies mixed.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/08/04 16:21

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One thing that works wonderfully for Cleo (7 months) when trying to get her to eat new foods, is if I stand in front of her, put the food in my mouth (and make sure she is watching me eat it) and make exaggerated nom nom nom noises.


If I do that, food she rejected only minutes before suddenly become a "I gotta have that!) item, and she will snatch it from my hand.


The other thing Cleo totally adores is warm baby food. She reverts to baby bird behaviour when she is eating that, complete with the jackhammer head movement and little chirps.

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I had completely forgotten about the if I eat it they will eat it aspect. That has been the biggest trick to getting Dixie and Sterling to eat, it doesn't matter if they've turned their noses up before, they will definitely give it a try then! Sometimes they do find things they don't like, but if you eat it, they will!


Great advice Azzie! And I learned that here to begin wtih!



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Keep trying the vegetables Deb, maybe you haven't hit on the ones he likes or the way he prefers them, sometimes it takes a while to figure out which ones they like and sometimes they prefer certain ones fixed a certain way. Try them raw, cooked, mashed, cubed and chopped but the main thing is to keep offering them, sometimes they will ignore them for a while then one day eat them.

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JUDYGRAM....I am still trying he takes little nibbles one or two and thats it. But I am still offering them to him and willcontinue until I get it right. He is a curious little stinker..lol when I open his cage in the morning to give him his breakfast he straight for the door. he loves being out of the cage. he will perch on his door all day. he had tried to come down to the floor twice is that normal? We put him on the floor and he just walks around lookig at everything. climbing couch and my dog crates...he is a hoot. So far he has been a very loveable little guy. OH the funny thing he does. You know when you pet a cat and their butt and tail raises up .. WEll...when you pet houdini he rises up like almost on his tip toes. I am guessing that means I like to be touched....lol it is funny. So far all seems to be well except getting the vegies and the fruits figured out , but I am working on it..lol


Thank You everyone who replied I do appreciate you guys so much. I want to be a perfect mom to my baby. Just like when my kids were little. No one could take care of them better than me...lol and the same with Houdini. I left him with my husband today . and I asked him are you going to babysit for me as I had some school shopping to get done with the kids...and he did sit. But I had to call home every little bit to make sure everything was ok...lol

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