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YoYo bit my husband - AGAIN!


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YoYo's been with us for almost a year now (he's about 10 yrs old). He's pretty mellow and we totally respect his personal bubble (we always ask first before scratch or kiss). He's never bitten me but my husband's got quite a few DEEP cuts from him. I don't really understand why he does that because clearly YoYo doesn't hate my husband. He enjoys being on my husband's hand and getting treats from him. He learned a lot of words from my husband too. Then, every once a while (probably averaging once every 2 months), he bites my husband out of blue; no warning whatsoever. I've asked the vet and she said "that's just birds for you", which really isn't very helpful. I really don't know what to do to improve their father-and-son relationship and so my husband wouldn't be so afraid to get near YoYo. Any suggestions? :(

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Some how your husband must not be reading YO YO's body language sometime its so small we miss it it could be a small as his eyes pinning once and he's saying not now I'm not in the mood ask your husband to watch exactly what YoYO does just before he bites and next time he may be able to avoid it.

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The one that happened this morning was weird though. My husband usually asks YoYo for kiss before he gives him a treat. When he says "kiss-kiss", YoYo would say "kiss-kiss" back and lean his head toward my husband then touches his upper beak on my husband's face. This morning, my husband did the exact same routine and YoYo said "kiss-kiss" back, so my husband thought it was okay to get up close for a kiss. Then all of sudden, YoYo did this pecking motion instead of his usual gentle "leaning" and slashed my husband's jaw. Now my husband has a cut on his face that's the shape of YoYo's upper beak; a piece of his skin is literally "scooped" out by YoYo. He bled quite a bit. I wasn't far from them both and saw the whole thing but didn't really notice any difference in body language from YoYo. What do you do after your parrots bit you? How do you let him/her know that it's a bad thing (seems yelling 'No' at him isn't very effective) :unsure:

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"""""This morning, my husband did the exact same routine and YoYo said "kiss-kiss" back, so my husband thought it was okay to get up close for a kiss. Then all of sudden, YoYo did this pecking motion instead of his usual gentle "leaning" and slashed my husband's jaw."""""


That's not something he should do anymore. a grey has his moods and you're husband is taking a chance doing that espesially since he's succeedsed. Any bird that bites any part of the face or surrounding area shouldn't be trusted. If he did it once, he'll do it again

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Pat and Dave both gave right on advice, as they always do.


I have a similar relationship Dayo. He does not bite my wife (his cuddle muffin), but does bite me. I have learned to read his body VERY WELL and avoid a bite situation most times and don't let the opportunity happen.


However, they become very clever and learn to "Mask" their body language and they are SO FAST that your hit before you know it.


I have also received a couple of face bites similar to your husbands in a similar "Faked" I love stance and action. I no longer put my face close enough for him to bite. It's just not worth the risk or the possible scaring from a bad bite.


He will sometimes put his head down when I ask if he wants a scratch, but then the minute I touch his head, he flips it around a nails me before I even know it. I have learned now that the only body language discernible, are his eyes having a particular "stare" to them and it is not pinning at all, they remain constant and in a fixed position.


Your husband is going to have to really start paying attention to the most minute details and just stop if he even feels he is being setup.


Your Grey being 10 years old is much more accomplished at faking people out than younger Greys.


He probably prides himself in it and has notches on his perch of every "Kill". :P

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danmcq wrote:

He will sometimes put his head down when I ask if he wants a scratch, but then the minute I touch his head, he flips it around a nails me before I even know it. I have learned now that the only body language discernible, are his eyes having a particular "stare" to them and it is not pinning at all, they remain constant and in a fixed position.


He probably prides himself in it and has notches on his perch of every "Kill". :P


YoYo does exactly what you described here. He put his head down for me to scratch him, and when my husband gets near him, he does the same thing. But the subtle difference is he doesn't "stare" at me at all. He just seems relaxed and "I am here for a good scratchy from mommy" versus if it was my husband, the look in his eyes is like "I dare you to touch me". I think we have that one figured out pretty well now. :lol:


And yah, I think YoYo's secretly keeping a tab on every scar he made on my husband. :P

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