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I just acquired an CAG from a customer of mine. She is a four year old semi neglected bird. Her name is Sophie. I've had her for almost two weeks now and from what I can tell she has come a long way. She now will come up to me and eat sunflower seeds from my hand. She still shakes for the first few minutes. Before I give her a seed I ask her if I can touch her beak, I then do so and reward her with the seed. She loves sunflower seeds so I think using them might be a powerful tool to help train her. I would love to hear anyone's advice as to what they think I should try to accomplish next. Also I considered purchasing Chet Womach's DVD's for tips but I wanted to get real bird owners advive first if they thought it was worth it.

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Hello Pugman and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sophie.


Forget about Chet Womach and his DVDs, he is just trying to separate you from your money, he doesn't know squat about birds, we on the other hand know lots and anything you want to know we can probably provide.


That is so sad that Sophie was neglected but you will turn her around, you probably already know it will take some time, she has to come to trust you and that takes a lot of patience out of you but will reward you greatly down the road.


You might want to get her to step up for the next accomplishment, just take your time and don't rush her.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Sophie you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Hi pugman - it's great that you've given a home to an obviously needy birdie. You'll find everything here you need to know - I'm really new to CAGs too (Harvey's 7 months now) and I don't go anywhere else for information than here.


One thing I would say that I've learned is - don't go near Chet Womach's DVDs! Don't give your email address to any of his sites - they haunt you forever (and pass your address onto other stalkers!!). You'll get all the tips here you need for free!


It'l be great to hear all about Sophie in the future and it seems you're winning her over so far. Good luck - and let us know how you get on. :)

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Hello pugman and welcome to the forum! That is so nice of you to rehome Sophie, its very sad that she was neglected. I hope you give her a great home with lots of love and attention. Like the others have said Chet is a big NO NO! His techniques are horrible and not successful. You can get all the tips and advice right here on this forum, just search it or ask a question in a thread. There are always people willing to help. Anyways, I hope to hear more from you and Sophie, do you have any pictures of her to share? We love pictures. ;)

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Hi Pugman, congratulations on your new grey. If you have any pictures to share, we would love to see them. Can't wait to hear more about Sophie and how things are progressing. Welcome to the Grey family. P.S. Does your Avatar name mean you have a pug? I love pugs and I have an 8 year female, Lily.:)

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Wow so many responses so quickly. I can already tell this is going to be a great resource. So I've already forgotten about Chet's website. I just got a weird feeling about it right from the getgo. I do own a couple of black pug's as well. One is 13 and the other is 3. I guess i should mention that I have a year and a half Sun Conure (Captian Jack) as well. That's how I acquired Sophie. One of my customers saw how Captian Jack and I interacted with each other and just gave her to me. :P

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I also have a sun conure named Sunny, she is about 4 1/2 years old and a delight, she is what eventually led me to getting Josey, my Cag. I can well imagine she is very beautiful and somewhat of a clown, mine is a shoulder ornament. Why don't you share a pic or two of Captian Jack with us, you can put them in the other birds room.

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Welcome Pugman, Sophie and Captain Jack!!


It's GreYt having you here. It is always good to hear of someone taking in an older Grey and giving it a good loving home. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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