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Problem with wing. (update)


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I am concerned about my middle grey Keeko.

Today when he has been out flying he has made a noise that ive not heard him do before, to me it sounds as though he is in pain when he is flying. He is acting normal in every other way, eating, drinking, pooping being vocal etc, I dont think hes sick but I do feel he has some injury to his wing.


The only thing I can put this down to is that two of the greys brushed past each other yesterday whilst flying and Keeko lost 2 flights. At the time I didnt think much of it as Keeko was no different afterwards but Im now wondering if its possible he has done an injury to the wing.


We dont have an Avian vet where I live but I have just found one in the next city to us and can get him in on Weds morning. She is highly recommended.


I hope she will carry out xrays and everything which will be needed to check him out properly.

I am worried he will need an anesthetic, will this be needed to do x-rays?


I am keeping him in his cage till then, which will be difficult but I dont want him doing any more damage than he may have already done. I do hope its not serious and I am worrying for nothing. I trust my gut instinct though.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/08/05 16:23

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I worry like that also. A couple months ago Tyco fell off her boing when she was hanging upside down she landed quite hard on her back. The next morning I notice that one of her wings was drooping quite a bit lower than the other. I was so worried that she had really hurt herself so I made a vet appointment. When I got there the Vet looked her over and checked everything out. He said wow you have a beautiful healthy Grey with a drooping wing. He said that she probubly bruised it when she fell and because she bruised it allot of times they will just totally relax so the wing droops because it hurts them more to hold it up. he said to keep an eye on itand ifshe doesn't lift it back up within a week to bring her back within 2 days her wing was back up to where it belonged. I hope its nothing serious with your bird but I just wanted to let you know that the will baby their wings somtimes when they hurt them.

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Oh no Caroline I hope there is nothing wrong with Keeko except for a bruised wing and probably that is what happened and who knows it may be ok by Wednesday morning but you are wise to have it checked out.


Let us know how he gets along and keep us informed, I will be thinking of you and Keeko in the meantime.

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I hope you have nothing but goods news Caroline.


Perhaps the sound you are describing is the scream they sometimes make when flying and excited? After that experience, Keeko could be just letting others know he's coming through and to stay out of the way. :-)


Looking forward to hearing how Keeko made out.

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Well I am back with my baby after a long morning at the vets.

He has soft tissue damage to his wing. He has been sent home on Metacam and Baytril. He is in his cage resting but has eaten since we came back and is preening away as I type.


This is the first time I have been to see this particular vet and I was very impressed. We were in there for a good two hours, no rushing about like at some other vets Ive been to. She was worth the travelling and I am going back again in a couple of weeks with my baby Jasper for nails and a beak trim and maybe DNA as well.

I found it very strange though as she has you stay in the room as she does everything with the bird which includeds the anasthetic. It was very frightening to see Keeko knocked out Ive got to say I had a bit of a panic when I saw him asleep.


He had a general check while he was there and his nails trimmed as well, he was weighed and is a big boy at 497g he is the largest out of my three.


I am so pleased he is home and its nothing more serious. He will be getting lots of cuddles tonight.

Will keep you updated with his progress:)

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I am so glad to hear it was no broken bones but no wonder he was crying out when trying to fly, soft tissue bruises hurt as we will know, poor thing, now he has some meds that should help him feel better.


I know you have been a nervous wreck Caroline as one of your greys is like one of your kids but he will be fine especially after mum cuddles him up this evening, nothing like being in your mum's loving arms.


Yes I can imagine that putting him under anesthesia was very scarey to watch but at least you were seeing all she was doing to him but it looks like you have a new avian vet.


Now you can settle down with a good cup of tea and rest easy Caroline, your Keeko is going to be just fine, thanks for letting us know as soon as possible.

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That hurts but be will be right as rain in a couple days Under you loving care. Sounds like you found a very caring vet My vet is like that also and always asks if I want to stay and watch everything that is being done. Sometimes I do sometimes I opt out depending on whats being done if its to get nail,or beak trimmed I usually opt out I don't want my birds to associate me with with that kind of thing I'm the rescuer LOL but when Tyco bit Sprouts top mandible off I watched everything she did we where there for a good hour she was wonderful and she phoned my the following day to ask if sprout was eating ok and if i was having trouble just to bring him in anytime and they would give him a tube feeding. she was so great I'm glad you found one like mine they are the best when they really truly care about the birds they treat

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I was relieved to hear the news Caroline.That is almost exactly what Charlie done to his wing and he is fine now.My vet lets you stay with the bird and I find it very reasuring. Keeko will be good as new in no time.

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