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Harley Is finally home (pics)


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I picked up Harley around 8pm it took us about 45 minutes to get him in the carrier the firs 15 minutes of that was just getting him out of his cage. Then we tried putting him on the floor and removing his cage from his sight. We tried bribery and corralling him no chance was he going in that carrier on his own so finally we just toweled him and that was it. Then once I got home I couldn't get him to come out of the thing. I finally just set it up on top of his cage and let him come out on his own. which he did within a couple minutes. It was getting late and I wanted him to get in his cage for bed now that was a little tricky I showed him all the good things I put in there like brazil nuts almonds corn on the cob hazelnuts papaya banana chips. but he wasn't going for it. If any one was listening to me they would of thought I was totally looney tunes here I was almost begging this bird to go into his cage because its bed time. Finally I thought well enough is enough and was going to try to get him to step up onto a perch. Well as soon as he saw me with the perch in my hand he scurried into his cage and spent the next 10 minutes eating all the goodies I gave him. I partially covered him and I haven't heard a peep since.

here's a couple of pictures of my beautiful big boy.



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OMG Pat, he is just one of the most beautiful birds I have seen! He is so big and look at the size of that beak!:P


How did he settle last night Pat? Did he go into a new cage and was he ok or did you bring him in his old one?

I hope he settles ok for you Pat, please give us daily updates. I just love the pictures!


Welcome to the family Harley and to your new forever home with your great, loving owner who is gonna love and care for you like the rest of her lovely fids:kiss:

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NO I didn't bring his cage home with me it was way to small and had big rust holes in it. He took a few minutes for me to be able to talk him into going into his new 40x30x52 cage but he finally went in on his own. I think he will settle quite nicely because as soon as he went into his cage he spent 10 minutes at his food dish gobbleing everything I put in there for him Mostly treats but also some pellets and a bit of seed mix he just love the fresh peaches and cream corn on the cob and snap peas those where the first to go:laugh: I almost forgot to mention that Harley is older than I thought she bought him at 1yr old as a just weaned baby and she said that was in 2005 so he is 5 years old. which means its going to take a little more time to come around but at least he has only had one owner so that should help. she uses the up command instead of the step up command so we do thing a little different I do hope he will understand.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/03 15:49

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Well I went in to see if Harley was awake and sure enough he was chewing on something so I took the cover off to see what he was doing and he was chewing on the toys I gave him. I haven't had a chance to make any really big toys for him yet so I dug up 2 of the largest toy I could find and he's having a great time chewing away. they probably won't last more than a day or two so I'd better get cracking and make some toys for him Least I don't have to be back at work until Thursday night at 5pm so I have 3 and a half days to get to know my new fid. He seems to like me I opened his door this morning and he came right over to listen to me talk to him I think that a good sign no pinning Eyes or anything like that I asked him if I could give him a scritch and he moved away so I told him it was ok that i would wait til he was ready. and I told him we were going to be good friends and not to worry and I gave him an almond and a hazel nut in the shell and a fresh piece of corn on the cob. I figure the way to his heart in through his stomach

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Tycos_mom wrote:

Well as soon as he saw me with the perch in my hand he scurried into his cage and spent the next 10 minutes eating all the goodies I gave him.


Very smart Macaw. ;-) Dayo hates it when I bring out "The Perch" as well and just complies.


Harley is beautiful Pat and under your care, I know he wil become all he can be. :-)

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Thanks guys he is just breathtaking and yes he probubly is a little on the thin side she never kept food in their cages because Harley always dump his dishes because the dishes where all to small for the holders so she fed them 3 times a day about a 1/4 cup of seeds each time the parrot mix is that bulk stuff no pellets mostly sunflower seeds with a few peanuts she did give them the odd small peice of banana or 1or2 grapes. But he will get it all living here with me I make sure my birds eat a healthy diet I just hope he's not going to be like Jeepers that bird is the fussiest bird I have ever seen I still can't get him to eat veggies he will taste them If I eat it first but thats it he eats mac and cheese eggs and seed and nuts and a bit of dried fruit like papaya, banana chips, and mango and once in a while he will eat a piece of pinapple. and grapes he is so fussy I don't even now what to do about it everyday I put veggies in his bowl and everyday I throw them away its been 10 months and I don't think he will ever eat them he won't even eat chicken or cheese if its not on macaroni what kind of bird refuses that.

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He is soooo beautiful I can't believe it. I work with all kinds of macaws at my breeders and I've never seen anything like him! A stunning bird, and he will be such a good boy under your loving care. Congratulations!

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