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Climbing NET

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Ahh Sweetie you can make this also not biggie just cut some rope and tie knots. So far no takers unfortunately. I made another toy and that has been a big hit but the net is big so i am waiting patiently. These birds just dont know how good they have it. New toy and no one even dares to go near it.:angry:

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Very nice Carol!! I love it. I've been wanting to make a net like this. What kind of rope did you use? And where did you get it? Also what is at the top holding the ropes? Where did you get those colorful balls from too? LOL sorry for so many questions but I really want to make one. You are so clever!! :)

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Thanks you all, you are all so kind. Maybe i should start my own business here soon? Sure i would be willing to make you one. The rope i bought at the craft store and balls are from old and destroyed toys but i know you can buy them on the internet. I would not make it for someone after my birds used them. Just pm me and we can talk.

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Aww man, we just ordered one...for a $hit load of money...looks so easy to make AND you put toys (beads) on yours. WOW...hope hubby doesn't see your thread. LOL. I remember you...the room in the background...you have a bird room that's all bird proofed...right? Maybe I saw you on another site. We have an area in the living room for AnnaBella...we're not sure how we're going to put the net yet though. Her cage is in her room...not bird proofed..she sleeps in there and is in there when I'm not home. It takes AnnaBella time to get used to things...how has your flock done with it? It looks awesome...I want your bird room!!! B)

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