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Charlie is not learning.


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It has been ages since Charlie picked up anything new,He just does not seem to say any new words.He is now 6 years old.He is a very good talker and goes through most of his vocabulary often.I am wondering if he is just fed up of my voice,I am always chatting to him. Has anyone any bright ideas on how to end the stalemate

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Sheila, your such a loving Mom to Charlie. :-)


It's definitely not your voice (certain you said that in jest) and I do know there is no "Age Limit" on when they stop learning new words and actions.


The reading I have done on Greys and their abilities well past 30 years of age, indicates they continue to learn new things.


It seems the commonality in all Greys, is they learn things that interest them, pleases the person working with them and lastly benefits them. Like asking for food, items, people or actions they desire and want.


They do not seem to just pick up "Chatter", unless they just like the way a word, noise, whistle, song etc. sounds.


Even at the young age of 2 + years, Dayo does not just pick up chatter. He does pick up all the above things and when I spend a block of time with him, multiple times per day or simply on the days I am home focused on one thing, like counting items, kisses etc.


One other thing is they really key off of your excitement level and rewarding them with excited comments. You know how sensitive they are to your mood, tonal fluctuations and also your facial expression. It's a combination of all these things that contribute to them learning and doing so with eagerness.


Look at Alex and Dr. Pepperberg. Alex was still learning concepts and words at his age of 31.


I've watched your videos of Charlie and he is a fantastic bird that is very well spoken. It's just finding the key to unlock his interest in what it is that you wish for him to learn next. :-)

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My youngest daughter is 13 going on 14 next month and she loves watching silly you tube videos and every time she hears something really funny she come bounding into the room saying what she has just heard. Tyco just loves it and talks in her voice most of the time. and calls her when she's not around she never answers. but she gets such a kick when Tyco learns the new phrase she has just bounded into the room with all the excitement a 14 year old girl can muster Tyco is 6 yrs old also.

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Thanks everyone.Charlie has never picked up words I have tried to teach him. It has always been things that he just learns himself,from me saying thing as I do certain things such as feed him and clean cages and verious house work,such as He will shout heres Henry when I get the Henry vacume out or who made that mess.He can say lots of things in the right context , yum yum when eating,come on hurry up, when he wants out or im making toast and want some if I am eating something he wants.I guess I will have to just be more inventive.

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