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Pairing African Greys


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Leia wrote:

to be honest i see both of your points, and i agree with you both on certain aspects of your points. i dont think that judy meant to say i must not spend time with my grey, i think she meant that i must not get my bird into a routine where i spend most of my time with her and suddenly change when something else happens in my life and i havent got much time anymore. She meant that this could cause my cag to get depressed, which is something i am aware of. i think she said it very light heartedly.


Thanks Leia, that is pretty much what I was saying and like you I see Tango's side too but I guess we will never agree on it, we each have our own opinion and I stick to mine.

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A wise person once told me that if I made my children the center of my world, to my own detriment, that they would grow up to be self-absorbed, self-centered and unfit to live in the rest of society. I should love them, care for them, provide for their every need, some of their wants, and only few of their wishes. I should praise them when warranted, punish when necessary and love unconditionally. In doing this I also had to make sure I had time for myself, my husband, and my other family. I would be showing my children that I was someone to be respected by respecting myself, someone to look up to, because I kept myself involved with the rest of the world, and someone to depend on, while teaching them independence. And while my children are far from perfect, they are pretty darn good people and I am proud of them.


I treat my birds the same way. I have a life outside of my birds, and my birds have a life that doesn't always involve me. Dixie (AG) is perfectly content to sit on my shoulder all day, or sit on her cage or playstand. We enjoy being together in the same room! Sterling (U2) started out very much like a "velcro" bird, since it is his nature. With lots of patience, work and persistence, he's learning to entertain himself, enjoy the ambient aspects of us as his companions, and we get to enjoy watching and learning with him.


If I were to adopt a mindset that the world stops because I am now a Grey parront I would not be a very good one, if I had decided that when my first child was born that all my time, energy and capacity would be spent on him, I would never have had the 2nd, much less the third. Did I have kids to keep each other company, heavens no, I had them because I wanted them.


Dan said it best, we all have our own schedules, our birds and other critters understand and accept our routines and count on them. Judy just wanted you to not set yourself up to a routine that you could not possibly keep up.



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Respect, please everyone show respect to each other and the variety of opinions that different people have. Debate is good and productive but only when everyone respects the different cultures, lifestyles and upbringings of our forum family. Everyone has a right to have and state their opinion but it should be done without belittling or insulting another. We are all here for only one reason for the love of our greys. If you like and agree with advice given here, keep and embrace it. If to you it is rubbish then throw it out with the trash!! State why you disagree if you like but do it with respect and without profanity and sarcasm.

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luvparrots wrote:

Respect, please everyone show respect to each other and the variety of opinions that different people have. Debate is good and productive but only when everyone respects the different cultures, lifestyles and upbringings of our forum family. Everyone has a right to have and state their opinion but it should be done without belittling or insulting another. We are all here for only one reason for the love of our greys. If you like and agree with advice given here, keep and embrace it. If to you it is rubbish then throw it out with the trash!! State why you disagree if you like but do it with respect and without profanity and sarcasm.


AMEN!!! Thank you Janet!! Everyone has a right to their own opinions and if people can't accept that and be mature about the situation than they don't need to say anything AT ALL! Show some respect and don't call people names! Act your age, not your shoe size. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/08/03 22:44

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