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bent feather

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

one ofthe small feathers on the underside of brians wing is bent towards the end. theres no blood or anything and it isn't bothering him, it just pokes out a tiny bit sometimes. what do i do? just leave it alone?

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Guest briansmum

thanks CD, i thought as much. always best to check though, this is the first feather problem we've had :laugh:

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This just happened to Ceasar to.. He took trying to fly yesterday and messed up a couple of "new" flight feathers on his left wing.. It didn't look like to bothered him much thought.. I straighted out the feather best I could and this morning you couldn't tell there was a problem....


These things happen...

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Guest Monique

Once your birds start flying ... you might regret it ... Isaac is being naughty today he wants to keep going sitting on the windowsill which he CANNOT beause the windowsill is WOOD and I know at some point he would choose to sculpt it!!!!!


Patience ... patience ... patience is a virtue < DEEP LONG BREATH >.

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If you built the desk yourself, then you can build yourself another one, and another one, and another one and you get the picture. I have to keep Josey's cage away from the wall enough so she cannot get to the picture hanging on the wall behind her cage, she has already put a nick or two in it.:unsure:

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I don't believe Frankie ever had the chance to fly... when I got him, he had a bad clip and it was like that for the first 1.5 years. For a while, he was chewing up his new blood feathers on one wing, but (knock wood) he hasn't recently. He is only now beginning to take flight. I don't think he even knows whats going on, he just flaps and ends up across the room with a very surprised expression. :)

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Oh you guys are all chicken! {Nature-0002009B}



It's not really that bad when they realize they can fly. Talon will only fly is she can't find us, gets startled, or we decide to eat a little lunch or dinner before getting her.(that's because she is spoiled, and eats on my shoulder, and sometimes I just want to eat a little of my food alone!!)

She doesn't just take off around the house to fly for the fun of it. She really needs a reason before she flies. Maybe we're just lucky. She also never goes on the windowsills and chews wood. I have many perches around the house on windows, etc., so she will land there, or on the top of the curtain rods. They prefer to land on a high spot. She will fly circles around the room before looking for a high spot to land on, or she'll land on my hand, shoulder, or head..ouch!


I think if they are content enough in their lives, and their needs are being met, they really have no desire to spend their time just flying. But take them outside...........and that's a different story.:huh:

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Guest briansmum

nah it;s not that bad, the worst part is the few accidents they have mis judging landing spots etc. brian isn't allowed fre flight of the house, he will fly after me if i go to the kitchen though. other than that he loves a good mad fly first thing on a morning and on an evening, i call these his "mad hours" the rest of the time he just flutters between his gym, his boing rope, his cage, the floor and me LOL im expecting him to fly less as he gets older, he's still a baby so no doubt flying is still more of a game than it is a necessity to him

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