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Chikki Flew Away!!


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All.. This is what the bird communicator had to say!!


Hi Arunkumar,


Thank you for choosing me to talk to Chikki for you. I would consider all directions from where you were when he took off and would look for an area that's similar to what he describes - it doesn't have to be exact. At one point he flashed me a picture of a flower box but didn't say anything about it.


Let me know when he's back home


Blessings to you both



Here is what he had to say to you, I hope it's enough to help you locate the area he's in.


“Yes my soul essence is still within the physical parrot body known as Chikki that lives with Arunkumar Krishnakumar. Yes the physical body is breathing air into its lungs and the heart is beating and pumping blood throughout the body as you are talking with me now. No the physical body is not injured. Yes it is for my highest good to live with Arunkumar and it is for his highest good for me to live with him.




Yes it is my instinctive nature to want to fly. When we were out walking I felt the urge to fly and fly and fly. Yes I am not far from where we were when I left. (he’s showing me a wooden box about 3 feet wide, he’s standing on top of it, moving back and forth, he shows me a opening in the back where he can get in and he feels safe in there.) From where we were I am to the left of that about 50 feet or so. ( I can see a small building beyond the box he’s on, the building looks old, and wooden, there seems to be some grass between the box and the building, can’t see what’s in front of the box. I can see a tree to the right of him as I’m looking at him, the leaves are coming over possibly it’s a fence, towards the box he’s on.) (I would checkout all places that could possibly provide him with shelter. He didn’t show me him flying like he wanted to fly.




Yes you have given me a proper home and I do appreciate this. I would prefer not to go for walks as I cannot be in control of what others do and I do not like loud noises. I’m safe enough for the moment but wish to be back home. (he keeps showing me a tree over a fence or it’s a large bush growing over a fence and he’s very close to that)

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I think it's very interesting that you are trying out this method of working with an animal communicator, in addition to all the more traditional ways of trying to locate Chikki. I really hope that, one way or another, you and your baby will be reunited. Keeping fingers crossed for you, Arun!

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Linda.. cant really leave any options untouched.. if it works or not is a different thing. i have got about 50 posters printed out which i will be advertising in my area and announcing a reward as well..


i spoke to John in the parrot soceity and he promised me that he will let me know once he hears any news on it. I am having my lunch at office as we speak and it really hurts me to think that I am having food when I have left the poor soul to starve in the wild.. cant forgive myself for what I have done to him.. Hope he can feel what i am thinking.. and come back to me soon..

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Hi Arun - I'm too at work and have logged in just to see if you have found Chikki. I'm sad you haven't, yet.


Very interesting from communicator - it's an interesting option, and I can see you are doing absolutely everything possible for Chikki's safe return. Fingers still crossed Chikki will come home. Jill x:(

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Arun, you must be going through hell, beating youself up over this mistake you made, we all make bad mistakes in our lives and losing your beloved Chikki is punisment enough. Please don't make matters worse by punishing yourself in this way.


I hope and pray for Chikki's safe return.

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Thanks for all your prayers.. the Lord is listening!! This is how it happened.. I got about 50 posters and was pasting and posting it all over the place in my area.. and we met a mother and a daughter(messenger of the Lord 1 and 2).. handed a poster to them, and walked off.. My weak wife felt really hungry and i asked her to return home while i did the posting.. when i was coming back i got a call from my wife saying she met messenger 1 and 2 and they said an african grey was sighted in the shops near by and one of the guys(messenger 3) there have him and gave me his number.. i spoke to him and got his address which was pretty walkable from my home..


we then walked over there and met a psycho on the way who said he sighted the parrot and killed him.. i felt really hurt, but my wife was very supportive and we ignored him.. the real guy Wayne came down and met us.. he asked me what the cost of the bird was and i said 400 pounds with a lot of fear.. he took me upstairs and the moment i saw chikki i was on my knees!!.. he was on Waynes shoulders and flew to me in a minute.. seems they had told RSPCA.. and RSPCA had advised them not to give it to anyone who claimed ownership.. but within 5 minutes of us being there, they were totally convinced we were his parronts.. we had the parrot food box in our hand and one poster as well.. just one left(truly gods grace).. and we showed them that, and showed some snaps of chikki on my phone.. and they were glad that chikki was safe and asked me to take him with me.. but they had all got attached to chikki by then and felt so bad about giving him away.. so i gave them a quick briefing on the parrots they could buy and recommended my breeder.. they said they had called up the police.. so did I.. not sure what kind of matching of records was done, they werent informed that there is a parrot missing in Dartford..


finally.. he is back in his own sweet home.. he was growling a bit after i brought him home.. i gave him water and food and put him to sleep.. may be he is tired.. tomorrow i am taking him to the Vets.. hope i will get an appointment.. thats the long story short(or was it).. but i am sure you wont mind !!


Again thanks for all the noble hearts and souls that got chikki home through their prayers!!

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Wonderful news and what a story. if it not been for messengers 1 and 2, you woul dhave never found Chikki do to those people already being attached to him. Did they say hwo long they had him?


I'm so excited for you and know you feeling well. :-)


Congratulations!!! :-):woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Thanks Folks..


They had found chikki just an hour back.. seems he was whistling a lot from the roof top.. and they coaxed him down with bread.. they even got a tree branch for him as the RSPCA had told them that they would collect the parrot tomorrow morning..


what a 72 hours its been for us.. but he is now famous in the whole of KnightsManorWay, Dartford!!


I am still pinching myself.. i havent even changed my office dress.. have to go do all that and have dinner.. this feeling is good..!!<br><br>Post edited by: karunk, at: 2009/08/04 23:43

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I have tears running down my face This is such good news I'm so glad please make sure if you take Chikki out that he's harnessed or in a small cage or at very least a teather around his leg. The tears of joy just won't stop I'm laughing and crying at the same time Thank God he hears and answers the prayers of his people.

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What wonderful happy news! My husband has a habit of bringing Dixie or Sterling to me while I'm at mom and dad's (they live right behind me) and it's only a short walk. I've begged him not to do so unless they are in a crate or cage. NOW he completly understands as he read this entire thread over my shoulder. Thank you for sharing and thank GOD and his messengers that Chikki is home safe.




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This forum is filled with caring people. I saw a message on chat that Chikki was found, then read the account. Even knowing it has a happy ending, even without even bringing my first baby grey home yet, the tears run down my face at the love you have for your Chikki and for all the people stepping in to comfort and encourage you. Glad that all the prayers and effort to bring Chikki home made for a happy ending.

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Thank goodness Chikki is home safe and sound, you truly are surrounded by wonderful people and God does answer prayers, this makes me very happy to know that Chikki is back home where he belongs, who could read your story without shedding a tear, I couldn't.

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Oh Arun - what absolutely fantastic news! I've logged on this morning to find out if there was any news and "Hey Presto" here it is! I'm sure Chikki will be absolutely overwhelmed at being home with you - such a lucky family you are!


Can I make a suggestion - an Aviator harness costs about 20 quid - and stops your parrot from taking off!!!! ;)


Great news and now hope to hear more of Chikki's (grounded) movements! Smiling all over now!! :lol:

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Thanks for all your wishes.. tears.. love.. very grateful..


Chikki is back in his cage.. i have taken half a day off to take him to the vets.. hope he is fine because he has been growling whenever i pick him up.. a short repeated growl like the pigeons do.. he never had that before.. may be he picked it up from the pigeons.. or he is trying to tell me I stink.. i dont know :).. hope the Vets will clarify..


JillyBeanz, i got aviator harness for chikki even before i brought him home from the breeders.. but the little bugger doesnt wear it comfortably and it ends up in a mess.. i have to also learn to put it on him properly.. well, i learnt it the hard way, to make sure he has his Harness on when i take him out.. generally i leave my conservatory doors open when i go to the garage.. but didnt dare to do it this morning.. never will i do such a mistake again.. i will leave him alone for a couple of days to settle down.. he still seems a bit nervous, shaky.. but i can see he still remembers me as he grabs the frame of my glasses when he is on my shoulders:).. may be over the weekend i should try to do some clicker training and get back to good old days!!


I hope the Vets dont have any concerns about his health!!

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GREAT NEWS!! :) Of course Ckikki remembers you! but being out in the "wild" for 72 hrs must have been incredibly scary and stressful for Chikki. Definitely give Chikki a few days to settle down. Its unlikely he picked up anything for other animals while being out, but a vet check is probably a good idea. You might consider waiting a few days just to let him settle a bit more, not sure if Chikki has been to vets and is comfortable with that or if that would stress him out even more.

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This is terrific, news, Arun - I am SO happy for you all! Yet another story illustrating that sometimes prayer combined with perseverance and soaking the world with "Lost Parrot" ads and trying every possible avenue CAN sometimes bring positive results! Thank you so much for sharing the details of his return with us, too. (Why do people like "the psycho" even get up in the morning, can anyone tell me that?:angry:


Can't help asking if Messenger 3 has a shed and a flower box behind his shop...:)

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