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Chikki Flew Away!!


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Before talking more about chikki, LindaMary, something for you..


I am neither a complete believer nor a nonbeliever of all these animal communication.. what i believe is this, the direction they give will more or less be right, but the magnitude may vary a bit.. say for eg: things i considered from the session were, chikki is alive and safe, he is not far from where he took off.. he is unhurt.. the rest, i didnt consider it too right.. because, there are a lot of houses in our area that has wooden fences, beautiful flower gardens and old wooden house like structures.. so it pretty much gave me the direction that Chikki was within the residential area and didnt fly into the adjacent industrial area(which was worrying me).. and i think all these facts put together in a jigsaw puzzle helped things, atleast in progressing in the right direction(getting posters out) even though i might not have found Chikki in the exact place as Suzi predicted.. anyways it is just my opinion.. didnt mean to offend your opinion!! but the prediction really did help..


about chikki.. i felt last night that he was growling because he was trying to imitate the pigeons.. this morning i realised that it was due to some trouble in his throat.. he ate fine and walked fine.. he was a bit less active which was understandable as he would be tired.. the Vet confirmed that he had sore throat due to whistling non stop.. otherwise he said he was fine.. he had an injection for that and also got the microchip on.. but he has been fine since the visit to vet as he spent about 2 hours after that on my lap and on my shoulders.. he is yet to start whistling freely..


will keep you guys posted on how he behaves in the coming days..

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Well, thank you for your response, Arun, but you have not offended me at all, since I really don't have an opinion one way or another about animal communicators. I'm not sure any of us has enough information to know whether their perceptions are accurate or not. But it seems that what Suzi told you gave you hope, and helped keep you going, which was valuable in the end.


What I think is so wonderful about your story is that is demonstrates you were willing to try ANYthing - even things you weren't sure weren't pure quackery - to get Chikki back. A very inspiring story, and I am so glad it has worked out the way it has!B)

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