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Chikki Flew Away!!


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Bad news.. Chikki flew away this morning.. It was all my fault.. took him for a walk without the harness as he wasnt happy to wear it.. and i took him out with his claws held in my fingers.. he was ok for about 10 minutes.. i have done this safely before.. but this time, he wanted to move to my other hand for some reasons, and i tried to shift him safely and he just took off..


i tried to run behind him but lost him, and he went out of sight as ours is a very residential area.. he was clipped about a month and a half before.. so i am not sure if he would have travelled miles.. i spent the whole morning trying to call him in our neighbourhood.. dropped print outs in my neighbourhood about the loss and provided my contact details.. i have also got the news announced in the church through a neighbour.. so most of my neighbours know about it now..


i will have to call the local spca and try to get the news to the county and hope he is safe wherever he is.. i will also contact the vets soon and let them know about it..


the practical bits done, i am emotionally very down.. he was literally like my child.. and i cant take this pain.. it really hurts, both me and wife have been in tears and prayers since morning.. please offer a quick prayer for us and wish chikki is safe and sound wherever he is.. i feel very guilty and responsible for whatever has befallen him.. will keep you updated on any news!!



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Oh no Arun!


I am so sorry to hear this very bad news. You have done all the right things. When he flew and you watched, did he gain altitude and speed quickly? This will give you a good idea of how well he can fly and also how high he was approximately to give you an idea how just how high he maybe in a tree somewhere in the vicinity of where you last saw him.


Most will remain silent the first 24 hours due to being very scared and it is their natural way of protecting themselves from predators by remaining silent and concealed.


One thing, continue going out and walking and calling Chikki. Especially during the early morning and evenings at sunset on. If you do make eye contact, don't leave that spot. Your Grey may be afraid to fly down if he is high in a tree and it could take hours to coax him down with his favorite food, treats and water, maybe even his cage if you can have someone roll it there while you keep a vigilante watch.


It sounds like you have done the right things to get the word out. Know that your all in our thoughts and prayers for a safe and quick return of Chikki.

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Dan.. i read your post.. it did help me quite a bit in terms of the practical steps to take.. he gained height slowly when he took off.. i didnt realise he was going to cross the building in front of him and i thought he would land nearby and i can go and pick him, but he gained height in about 30 metres distance.. the height should have been about 50 feet off the ground and we have some trees in the direction he flew.. my worry is, if he had not landed in those trees, he would actually cross the road into an industrial area on the other side.. and there are hardly any trees there.. so i am not sure what to think..


i have already completed 3 rounds of walk.. have called up some vets nearby and informed them.. so just hoping to get some news !! God keep my chikki safe.. and bring him back to me soon..<br><br>Post edited by: karunk, at: 2009/08/02 15:12

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I was just reviewing your photos in the thread when you brought Chikki home. I see that you live in an area with many multi-story buildings and not any trees in view, as you just stated.


He may very well have landed on a roof or other structure he felt was safe.


One thing I do know, is they can literally be only 50 or a 100 yards from where they flew from and unless they return call back to you, you won't normally see them.


I know how devastating and sickening that feeling is all too well. The only thing you can do is keep on keeping on like you are and not losing hope of his quick and safe return.


I am uncertain of which country you live in, but if it's in England, your evening hours are not that far off.


Godspeed to you and his quick return.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/02 15:22

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Thanks for your support folks..


Dan.. he actually flew over a couple of houses and seem to be in good speed.. i hope he landed just after he went out of sight.. which would mean he is somewhere nearby..


i have tried 4 or 5 times calling him.. but as u suggest will keep trying.. i am planning to take a day off tomorrow and do a bit more search.. put ads on local newspapers and radio..

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One other thought just came to mind. Since you live in a multi-story building and I assume others are around too. One might have roof access, as some do, that you could use a pair of Binoculars to carefully scan the area. It would give a large viewing area and depending on the power of the Binoculars, you could see very close up at long distances all around.

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OMG noooo!! As soon as I read the title my heart dropped!! I am sooo sorry this has happened Arun, I know much you loved Chikki!! Please don't give up and keep searching searching searching! Dan gave great advice, make sure to do everything he has said. There is still hope you can find your baby Arun!! My thoughts are with you!! Please keep us posted, I will be checking this thread everyday. I am so so sorry, I just can't imagine what your going through. :(

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I am so sorry to hear of this news, I too was shocked to see this post but you are doing all you can to try and find him, if you haven't already put his cage outside with some food in it in case he does return.


Dan has given you some sound advice and since he speaks from personal experience then your chances of getting Chikki back are greatly increased.


I hope and pray that you find Chikki very soon and that he remains safe and sound until you do and please keep us informed.

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Judygram.. the first thing i did was to put the cage outside.. i have also opened up my upstairs room window and placed his little tent stuck to the window, so that he can see it if he flies over the area..


i have placed the lost advert in websites.. i am thinking of getting the service of an animal communicator.. what are your thoughts about this?? anyone tried it in the past??

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Arun, have you been in touch with John Hawyard at the British Parrot Society - he keeps the British Register for lost birds:




also his phone number is: 01869 325699


and this is their website:




Good luck with your search - fingers crossed that Chikki returns. Jill xx

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Jilly.. I have emailed him and left him a voice message.. did that just 10 minutes ago.. i am trying everyway possible.. hope.. all my friends and relatives are praying for chikkis safety and safe return home.. think thats what will help in the end!! Thanks for your suggestion..

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Oh no no no I'm so sorry I will pray for a quick safe return please please God let Chikki be found safe and sound and returned to his home where he belongs. Please keep us updated I can't imagine how you must be feeling I feel just awful about this.

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I am new to this forum and yours is one of the first things I have read on here. We also lost our african grey due to not being careful enough with her outside and she flew away. Luckily for us we do have her back after she spent 2 nights in the trees. She was flying and landing in trees 100 ft high and was to afraid to fly down to us. Our grey does talk and whistle so that was a great help in being able to find her. We would call for her and she would whistle or call back and then we just had to keep looking until we found what tree she was in. The second day while she was in a tree she saw me and I was drinking out of insulated mug that I use all the time and she was so thirsty she flew to a tree that we were able to finally reach her. I know how upset you and your wife must be. Ours is like our child also. Keep looking and calling for your baby and wait for the bird to respond. Ours did not fly far from home. Probably only 2 blocks total so keep looking close to your house. good luck and keep us posted. Needless to say her wings are now clipped again and will stay that way. Kim

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Tycos_mom.. i am doing everything humanly possible do get him home.. i took a day off today and have been going around my area often.. i even tried to call him using my clicker as he responds well to clicker training.. thankfully i have got a good neighbourhood and seems the news has spread to a lot of people my word of mouth.. many ppl i missed informing spoke to me today and wished me good luck and promised me to pray for Chikki..


meanwhile i have got in touch with an animal communicator and i hope to receive an email from her today/tonight.. so i should know what Chikki is going through from her.. today i even did a check through a lot of bushes.. not sure where my chikki is!! have been praying all the time myself.. hope to hear something soon!!

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I've only just seen this post and my first thoughts were "oh no, not again" because this happens all too often and all too easily. We cannot be too careful with our babies. Reading this is no use to you right now though, you need practical help. Have you enlisted friends and family living in and around your area to help you search? Many people can cover a large area. He can't have got that far if he is clipped.


I hope little chikki is found asap. Keep on looking for him and don't give up, you are doing great with what you are doing so far.


Please keep us posted.

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Still no news on Chikki? Have you heard back from the Parrot Society bloke? I hope to hear something soon from you (hopefully complaining about Chikki's antics when you get him back). Thinking of you and Chikki.


Definitely keep us posted - waiting for news. Jill x

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Folks.. No news yet.. Have been doing my rounds in my area.. Whether I get Chikki back is a different thing, but I will soon be known in Dartford as "The man who lost his parrot".. trying to force some sense of humour into what has been a stressful 48 hours..


I have emailed John in the parrot soceity JillyBeanz.. He asked me to give him a call tomorrow midday.. If I hear anything I will let you all know even before i inform my family.. thanks for the support.. please keep praying!!

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