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Hi there to all, i am kinda new here but i have been reading alot of different things on greys before getting my own. I brought, star, a 6 month baby grey two days ago. Star really has turned my world upside down. He gets all my attention, especially when i walk into a room, he starts making his wild screams, and he recognizes me even if the my room was full of people.

But i really dont now what to do when he starts screaming, sometimes i go and rub him or talk to him, give him kisses he becomes calm and quiet just like a baby would. But, the moment i turn my back he starts again. I hope i am not doing anything wrong, but i really want to make star happy and loved.


Thank you

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Welcome Greystar!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


Your Grey is still very young and having only been there two days is insecure and needs assurance all is well.


Greys flock together only and your his flock now. When they want their flock member, they contact call and seek them out. Add being a needful baby wanting his Parront close by and you've got exactly what you are experiencing.


You are not doing anything wrong. But, if you truly need to leave him in his cage most the time, you will need to just start ignoring the calls instead of going there immediately everytime he calls. If you continue to do that, it will become an expected behavior.


Spend quality out of cage time with him. Then when he needs to go back in, place him there and do what you need to do and ignore his calls.


At his early stage in life, you are teaching him how the flock (you) interact with each other and what is expected from each.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Welcome greystar!!! I agree with Dan, your baby is going to need assurance in the very beginning that his new environment is safe and secure and it sounds like you're doing a greYt job in that. Definitely make sure that you're not running to him anytime he screams, as Dan said that will condition him to scream in order to get your attention. If you run a search in the forum on screaming I'm sure there are a lot of posts out there on how others have handled screaming babies and older parrots. Do you have any pics of Star? We'd love to see them!!! :)

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Hello Greystar and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Star.


Since Star has only been with you for two days he is still unsure of his surroundings, he needs reassurance that you are still there and that is why he is calling for you. Greys are flock animals and you are part of his flock now and as he becomes comfortable in his new home he will settle down just continue to be there but not necessarily come to him when he calls. Josey did this too and sometimes all it took was a answer back from me to let her know I was still around even if she couldn't see me.


I take it you are new to parrots and this is your first grey, maybe first parrot so be sure to read thru as many of the threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have, no matter how silly them may seem as we have heard all kinds before, and we will help you in any way we can.


Now all we need is some pictures of Star for we love pictures here and if you need some help with doing that then read this thread:



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Congratulations on your baby grey Star!!!! My grey use to call out to me a lot when I first got her. I learned to just answer her back and she would quiet down. Now if I am going to leave the room I just tell her I'll be back and she is quiet. I think she just wants to know where I am and that she isn't alone.

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