lovethatgrey Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I guess I should never say never however I think I have reached my limit. I am glad to have two parrots. Nothing more and nothing less. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to also have a male timneh but then I think of all the cleaning that I do and would have to do. Then there's the adaptation period that everyone would have to experience when introducing a new parrot. I finally sense that my existing flock is accepting and comfortable with each other's presence. It's taken almost a whole year to get to this point. I think the continuous food preparation and cleaning after my parrots is what helps keeps me practical and realistic about my limits. The amount of cleaning that I have to do does bum me out occasionally. This is especially when I am not feeling well or am feeling very tired but I definitely cannot let things go. Everyday there is cleaning and once a week there is a MAJOR cleaning of everything. It's alot of work and there really is no break from it. I like my home to look a certain way and of course I clean in order to keep it healthy for ALL of us. African greys really do produce alot of powder and my pionus is pretty dusty too. I sometimes wonder whether a parrot can be allergic to its own powder.. of course that's just another topic.:whistle: I don't know how people with more than 2 parrots manage to balance everything. I know someone who has 13 parrots but of course I have never paid him a visit at his home. I suppose that if I did not have an out of home career I would feel like I had more time. I'm wondering how do the rest of you manage and do you intend to add to your flock? Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/02 04:14 Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/02 04:14<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/02 04:17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave007 Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 Parrots who produce their own dander aren't allergic to their own dander. Some other species of birds who aren't normally around parrots that produce dander can possibly get respritory problems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Codys Mom Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I have 3 and thats plenty for me I quit at 3 parrots lol but now if I had the time and stayed at home instead of going to work I might add 2 more to my flock but since I don't 3 is keeping me busy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
she Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I have a grey and a cockatiel.At the moment thats where I stop.It is not thatI dont want another one,I would in a flash but time and space keeps my feet on the ground.I do mind my cousins grey when they go away so I know what two greys entail,Blue is coming to me in September,I cant wait. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luvparrots Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I am a stay-at-home and I have two parrots. That's enough for me unless I find one that really needs a home. I do want to get a canary though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poodlenparrot Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I currently have two parrots my CAG and a Quaker. The Quaker is likely going to live with my niece as he was originally her bird. I would like to get a baby Grey some day since all of mine have been rescues/rehomes and I never got to experience the early days, but that's far into the future. For now two parrots are plenty for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
poodlenparrot Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I currently have two parrots my CAG and a Quaker. The Quaker is likely going to live with my niece as he was originally her bird. I would like to get a baby Grey some day since all of mine have been rescues/rehomes and I never got to experience the early days, but that's far into the future. For now two parrots are plenty for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tycos_mom Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 Well I have 6 and I was hoping to stop at 5 but It seems there is always someone that wants me to take a bird that needs rescuing with My baby Grey I guess I could have said no to that one she didn't need rescuing I always wanted a baby Grey and when the breeder said he would give her to me for really cheep how could I say no. I have a week spot for the birds that are in desperate need of a good home. The ones that have no toys and live on a total seed diet and are crammed into cages that are way to small and left there 24/7. With very little attention. I just feel a responsibility to all these poor birds that we humans took into our home because we thought they where beautiful and wanted to make pets out of them and now there are so many that are homeless or that need homes and there is no way that they can be returned to the wild so its up to us. We as a human race have a responsibility to what we tame so I try and do my part. If I had lots of money I would open a sanctuary for parrots. I don't so I do what I can within my means. I guess I'm just a crazy bird lady. I can't take in any more now I'm completely out of cages and I have no room to put the ones I have all ready I'm still trying to figure out where I going to put Raja after I move him into his new cage. Right now the cage he's moving into is sitting in the middle of my kitchen table because I don't now where I'm going to put it when I bring Harley home tomorrow. I really have to clean out my spare bedroom and turn it into a bird room its just full of furniture and I don't know where I would put it all. Maybe I should have a yard sale or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbpittman Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I have 3 birds total, Dixie (Grey), Sterling (U2) and George (lovebird) and would gladly take on another in a heartbeat! There is a baby male Grey at the bird shop where I get all my toys and pellets from that I have been helping socialize and would so love to bring home. The cleaning up twice daily is not a big deal, especially since I'm OCD on cleaning, I would be doing it At this very moment Dixie is taking her daily bath in her water dish, and of course water is flying everywhere. I'll clean up after her in a few minutes when she's done. I managed to have four children, one or two more birds are not much My problem is figuring out how I would add the additional cage to my office without removing my husbands favorite chair. My family loves the birds as much as I do, Paul (my son) is the primary person for Sterling, they have adopted each other in a way I never thought would happen. Dixie has determined that my husband is her favorite (at least for the moment) and George adores my daughter Sarah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judygram Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 My limit is the two I have though I have wanted to add another to the mix but with working a full time job I don't feel I have any more time to devote to another bird, maybe when I retire but then I myself won't live long enough to warrant getting another bird so two it stays. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joolesgreyuk Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I haven't yet reached my limit but my limit will be 2, due to mainly lack of space but also expense and work as others have mentioned. I decided against the conure because I truly have my heart set on a hahns macaw and I will wait until the time is right, I want to make sure that Beau is an established talker before adding another bird to the flock and of course I have to save up my money lol! Take a look at these and you will see why I'm hooked: Watch and fall in love lol! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 Our limit is two as well. The reality is, if Dayo would have been our first Parrot, rather than Jake our Conure. We would only have one, namely Dayo. He requires so much time and attention, along with the work we are putting into insuring he understands what we're saying, counting, actions etc. There is no way we could spend the time we do with him, with out Jake being a very independent (suspected wild caught) bird that just comes when he wants something like food or to hang out in the Living room when we're watching a movie. Dayo views any other bird getting attention as a threat to his time and attention. He can become quite nasty and mean anytime he thinks Jake is getting attention, other than if he is with Kim getting scratches. Then I can interact with Jake closely when he desires it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
judygram Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 I watched Julie and no wonder you want one, that first one was the cutest, I hope one day you get to make that hahns macaw addition. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tycos_mom Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 I watched the videos of the Hahns and they remind me so much of Jeepers my Severe Macaw they have that same sweet little voice its so cute in the first vid where the bird is saying yummy yummy yummy Jeepers does that also that also only he does it when he attacks his toys and he says owieowieowie owie like he's hurting his toy its so cute. he also says the same thing if he decides to bite me HAHAHA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tango Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 We're fortunate enough (or we've worked hard enough... depends on how we think about it) to have a huge 4500 sq foot home. We have 2 greys, 2 GCCs and 2 german sheppards on a 35+ acre lot. And that's enough! lol Our day begins at 0600 every morning feeding everyone, walking dogs, letting the winged critters log their flight time. It's not a chore, it's a joy; I get to spend those hours before work with the creatures I love and respect and I literally look forward to it every day. If it's work for you, then you need to reexamine your committment to your companion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lovethatgrey Posted August 3, 2009 Author Share Posted August 3, 2009 Tango, I am simply stating the obvious. The reality is that our parrots do not make "great pets" by sheer coincidence. They develop into great pets because of the time, effort and work that their caretakers put into them. I don't think that one's commitmment to their parrot should be questioned just because they state that they perceive the cleaning aspect of their day to be work. It is my opinion that if you clean and disinfect daily, regularly and properly then YES it is work and Yes it is part of the commitment of living with a parrot or any pet for that matter. With that being said, work isn't necessarily a bad thing either, but it is what it is. If you wish to perceive the cleaning as joy instead of work then good on you. Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/03 00:14<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/03 03:17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 lovethatgrey wrote: Quote With that being said, work isnt necessarily a bad thing either, but it is what it is. True, raising our human childern was WORK and Joy, but sometimes it was not joyful at all, depending on the circumstances. The same holds true for Pets of any type.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/03 00:24 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lovethatgrey Posted August 3, 2009 Author Share Posted August 3, 2009 Danmcq.. you're situation is similar to mine in that if I had had Emma first I wouldn't have had another parrot...but aren't you so glad that it happened that way? Sachi is so low maintenance and having 2 parrots like Emma would have been alot to juggle. I am so glad that that they have each other's company when their human flock isn't present. I feel "less guily" when we leave the house because neither of them is ever physically alone.{Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/03 00:57 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tango Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 lovethatgrey wrote: Quote Tango, I am simply stating the obvious. The reality is that our parrots do not make "great pets" by sheer coincidence. They develop into great pets because of the time, effort and work that their caretakers put into them. I don't think that one's commitmment to their parrot should be questioned just because they state that they perceive the cleaning aspect of their day to be work. It is my opinion that if you clean and disinfect daily, regularly and properly then YES it is work and Yes it is part of the commitment of living with a parrot or any pet for that matter. With that being said, work isn't necessarily a bad thing either, but it is what it is. If you wish to perceive the cleaning as joy instead of work then good on you. Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/03 00:14<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/03 03:17 If you could read anything more into my post, and therefore my mind, I'd hire you as a psychic (SP?) I guess your implication is that because I clean my fid's cages I should hate it? Do you have children? Do you hate changing their diapers? Do you resent having to carry out the tasks required of the creatures you've taken the responsibility to care for? hmm. really? I absolutely love it. I'll clean parrot poop with a smile on my face because these guys are the light of my life. Same for my german sheppards. If your parrot doesn't make a "great pet" it's your fault, and I'm sorry for you and your fid. seriously. It's a sad state if you feel that way. My 4 bird make great companions, and every day is a joy. I'm sorry that you don't have that experience. The bottom line is: just because you view your experience with your fids as "work" doesn't meant you should come here and advise people to spend the minimum amounot of time with them. My advice: Love your guys/gals as often as you can as much as you can. Spend every moment you can with them: training, teaching, snuggling. You won't regret it. DO NOT listen to people that say you should minimize your time now because you may not be able to spend that time later. That's beyond stupid. Love your little gremlins at every chance. They depend on us. Post edited by: Tango, at: 2009/08/03 05:49 Post edited by: Tango, at: 2009/08/03 05:56<br><br>Post edited by: Tango, at: 2009/08/03 06:06 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luvparrots Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 Julie I can see why you would like a Hahn Macaw. What a sweetheart Jojo is!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jaguar Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 Catherine and i would LOVE another bird/grey we work from home so have alot of time to give. The only problem is i dont want to change Dustys world he seems very jealous so i wouldnt think he would take another bird. Another thing i dont think catherine and i really know enough (or are confident enough) at this moment to handle two greys. So for the moment i think Dusty is our limit. The good in this is Dusty is a Great limit to have.:woohoo: <br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/08/03 11:45 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted August 4, 2009 Share Posted August 4, 2009 lovethatgrey wrote: Quote Danmcq.. you're situation is similar to mine in that if I had had Emma first I wouldn't have had another parrot...but aren't you so glad that it happened that way? Positively!!! This place would not be the same without Jake. We love him with all our heart. :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danmcq Posted August 4, 2009 Share Posted August 4, 2009 Tango wrote: Quote That's beyond stupid. Tango - Please tone down your aggressiveness when addressing people here. You are not being treated that way and I do not want this type of behaviour to become common or acceptable on this Forum. There are better, less inflammatory words or comments you can use to get your point across. Thanks - Dan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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