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Koko swallows dish cleaner


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Yesterday night, at 10 something Koko flew to the sink and bit the cap of a dish cleaner. She swallowed some of the liquid. I quickly used my fingers to remove the liquid from her tongue. I could feel the liquid and when I smelt my fingers, the dish cleaner smell was quite strong. I removed the liquid thrice using my fingers until my wife told me to use a wet cloth to clean her tongue. As we do not have an avian vet in my area, all I could do was to give her liquid oxygen drops which has been proven to remove heavy metals in human body. I squeezed a few drops into a cup of spring water and fed her as much as she could drink. Then I gave her a little bit of vitamin c powder to detox her body. Lastly, I added pinch of wheat grass and spirulina powder to a tablespoon of water and had her to drink them. I had to use my knowledge and experience in human nutrition to detox Koko. That's all I could do for Koko.


My wife got up at 1am and once at 5am to check on her. Thanks goodness she was alright. When I took her out of the cage at 7am, I noticed the newspaper was soaking wet with her urine. Usually it was dry. She doesn't poo in the night.


I guess the detoxification works.


She is back to her usual self now.




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That sounds pretty serious Sanggay and I probably would have freaked out and called a vet but since you didn't have that option you took care of it yourself, thank goodness you have some knowledge to help you with this situation. I am so glad it turned out well for you and Koko and thanks for sharing a few pics of her with us.

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In fact, we were worried about her. There was no avian vet to seek advice from. We just hope she would be safe with my detox formula. As i am writing this she is flying around in the house chattering happily and noisily.

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chimaysmommy wrote:

That's certainly a greYt sign!!! Have you gone online to look up any other avian vets out of town that you could call to get their insight?


Avian vet is not in demand in my country. I can't find any private avian vet here. Most of the vets treat dogs and cats only.:(

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