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What happened? (behavior problems) HELP!


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We have owned our African Grey for a few years now. He was bonded to me, extremely loving and gentle, stepped up on command, didn't bite or anything.


A few weeks ago he lost his balance on his cage and flew into the wall in the hallway. Doing this he broke one of his feathers, crapped on the floor and stepped in it. I snipped off the broken feather (hoping to avoid him from picking at it or causing discomfort) and then I took a paper towel to wipe off his foot before he stepped up.


Ever since then he has been biting me, refusing to step up unless it's bedtime. He has also gotten more close to our Quaker, where as before he would run away from him, as though he found him annoying. The quaker is needy and always trying to stand near the Grey. They have started preening eachother and acting like they want to feed each other (both are males.) Their cages are together and Hiei loves to get out and play on both cages and play inside the smaller cage for the quaker (we usually put the quaker on a play gym so they only get together when we're watching.)


Anyway, I don't know what to do. Hiei keeps biting me horribly and it seems like he is scared of me for some reason. He looks at me and looks scared and shakes slightly. I have not done anything to him, no yelling or hitting. Did I somehow traumatize him by wiping off his foot? I seem to remember doing it once before with no issues. I need some advice on how to get my friend back.

I am considering separating the bird cages but thinking that would be a bad idea also as they would just call to each other and drive me nuts with screaming.

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It's hard to pin down why he's acting like that. If what happened to him was the first time it happened, it could have left an bad impression of the whole incident. You were involved in that incident even thogh you had good intentions. It could have been the paper towel that scared him and you were holding it. It could have been you picking him up too quickly after this accident happened. When a bird does something like that it's not a good idea to rush over to help unless an obvious injury is visible. Heshould be allowed to walkaround and get his bearings. If the feather was not broken, he would have eventually put it back in place.


It could be his losing his balance that upsets him.


Anyway, you have to go back to that old tried and true method of picking him up with a perch and putting down. As time goes on, shorten the perch. Don't force yourself on him cause he'll only bite harder.Let his curiousity rebuild itself concerning you. Do what you normally do but ignore him until he shows interest again.


"Their cages are together and Hiei loves to get out and play on both cages and play inside the smaller cage for the quaker (we usually put the quaker on a play gym so they only get together when we're watching.)"""


Changing that routine is only gonna be a new experience that neither bird will like so leave well enough alone. A quaker has a very loud squawk.


Obviously, something happened and it would only be guessing at what it was so you have to begin a basic relationship again and if things really aren't as bad as you think, your relationship should be back to normal very shortly if you ignore him.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/08/02 00:49

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Well moments after posting, my husband took the quaker in the other room to his roost cage, giving me and Hiei a moment. Hiei was on top of his cage, so I just leaned on it, putting my chin on it and looking sad. Eventually he ran over to me and put his head down for me to scratch and then he stepped up.


No, him flying into the hallway wasn't the first time it has happened. He has always been clumsy and lost his balance frequently. It was the first time I had to wipe off his foot, so it might have been the paper towel. He doesn't seem to like them much.

I can't believe how long they can hold a grudge!!

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Dave007 wrote:

If what happened to him was the first time it happened, it could have left an bad impression of the whole incident. You were involved in that incident even though you had good intentions.


Always Dave is spot on.


I reached out to Dave when my Grey was attacked by my Dobermans, flew into a wall, had tail feathers pulled out and was sitting on the floor screaming and growling when I arrived to the rescue. He barely stepped up, I believe only due to the dogs flanking me which was a threat.


Once I got my Grey up on his normal roosting place, he would growl if I came within 3 feet of him. He had some head swelling and would not be moved from that roost, so he stayed there day and night for 3 days before returning to some what of his normal self.


However, he would not step up without some bites and a fight. What made matters worse, was his favored person, my wife, was in the hospital at that time as well for 9 days.


It took weeks, even a few months for our relationship to return close to what it was.


For whatever reason, somehow the rescuer in a BAD incident, seems to get the blame at times.


It's GreYt to hear that your Grey came to you today!! :-)


Most of us here owe many thanks to Dave for always being there with his decades of experience and great advice to help us through it.

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Yeah it isn't problem solved so quickly. He's still being odd to me. Randomly super sweet, randomly really mean.

Hopefully he'll continue to come around.

That day when the incident did happen, he bit my thumb and it bled for a week straight before it healed up! Today he nearly got me that bad on my finger but it didn't break the skin luckily.

It's amazing that I can't seem to yell at him or feel too angry over his bites, they just make me sad.

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sinnie wrote:

It's amazing that I can't seem to yell at him or feel too angry over his bites, they just make me sad.


I know that gut wrenching feeling very well. After an incident like that, it feels almost as if you had a loved one in the hospital.


No matter what, you could never bring yourself to say or do something harsh, due to the empathy you have inside.

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Dave once again has given you some solid advice and as others have commented he is the one we turn to when we need it.


Even though he is right this is not a problem that can or will be fixed so quickly, give him some time and be patient with him and I am sure he will be back more to his old self very soon.

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Thanks all. He is doing better today. I've been trying to convince him to take a bath. He only wants to do it in this tiny water dish on a table stand, and of course he doesn't fit.


I have noticed he is usually more on edge when it's rainy or stormy outside which it was yesterday.

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