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Lost African Grey


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I am very new to this site - just registered a couple of minutes ago. I may be doing everything all wrong. I came acoss the site while doing an internet search to find my lost African Grey Congo. We had him from a baby, he is now 3 yrs old. He flew away on June 16th and we have been searching frantically for him since then. Hansa anyone on this site found an Afrian Grey. How can I cannot them so that I an check his ID. Please help.


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Guest Lidia

That is so sad, I hope you find him, but I don't know how, other than posting where you can find something on the internet, or putting up posters locally, etc, you will find him. I hope you do.

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First off.. I am sorry you are joining under such sad times.. I wish you well in your search. We have had other members also lose their birds.. Some have found them again so don't give up hope on this.


I am not sure what you are asking in your post so can you restate it for us? Are you asking if anyone here has found your Grey and if you can connect with them? i think that's what you mean..


I'm so sorry for you my friend....<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/10 14:57

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I am very sorry for what you are going through. I hope with posters, flyer's, newspaper ads, you find him. Don't give up the search, keep calling for him, and keep hopeful.

Welcome here, I'm wish it were under better circumstances that we meet you. Please keep us informed.

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