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Oh he's stubborn!


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Harvey started going in the shower pretty much straight away when we got him and "enjoys" his showers. Well, I say enjoy - he tolerates them. He's not achieving the "the drench" as he sits low and tight and the water just obviously runs off his feathers. I've tried lifting his wings and squirting the water in there, I've ruffled his feathers while he's in there too - I still think he's avoiding the water!


Does anyone have any tips so that he will fluff up and let the water get to his skin? I really don't think that he's getting the best out of his showers. He'll spend forever in the shower - but like I said - I know he's just tolerating them! :S

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Does anyone have any tips so that he will fluff up and let the water get to his skin? I really don't think that he's getting the best out of his showers. He'll spend forever in the shower - but like I said - I know he's just tolerating them! :S


That exactly describes Josey on her showers and if you find out the secret to making them fluff up their feathers to accept the water then let me know.

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I've searched for that flip up button, but unfortunately didn't find it. Thanks for the tip Dan - whilst looking for the "flip up" button, I found the "on/off" switch. If you hadn't mentioned the "flip up" button I wouldn't have found it.


Gosh, the peace is amazing.........! :P

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Now that you've found the on/off switch doe that mean we have to put the tequila and wine back on the shelf?


Dixie refuses to enjoy the shower, spray bottle mist or bowl of water I place in the bottom of her cage every day, she does however truly enjoy taking a bath in her water bowl. Unfortunately the only part that actually gets wet is her belly and her feet. It is quite hysterical watching her attempt to put her wings in the bowl...lol.


BTW - no flip up button on my model either, and no on/of switch.



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rbpittman wrote:

Dixie refuses to enjoy the shower, spray bottle mist or bowl of water I place in the bottom of her cage every day, she does however truly enjoy taking a bath in her water bowl. Unfortunately the only part that actually gets wet is her belly and her feet. It is quite hysterical watching her attempt to put her wings in the bowl...lol.


BTW - no flip up button on my model either, and no on/of switch.


Josey does that too and it is hilarious to watch her try to bathe in her water dish, the only thing she manages to get really wet is the floor.


I found no on/off switch either, bummer!

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No No No Robin - the wine and tequila stay an integral part of the Parrot Owner's Handbook!!! When I had my lovely cockatiel I indulged in the odd beer - it's Harvey who has driven me to the hard stuff!! ;)


Had another lovely long shower today - still wasn't happy to lift his feathers etc!!! Oh well, I'm going to try the bottle (of water and aloe - I know what you were all thinking) and see if that gives a different aspect to Harvey's bathing patterns!!!

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My uncle had a tiel named Pepper who liked to drink beer out of a spoon. Now at the time I didn't know you shouldn't give a bird beer, but I remember the response.


my uncle: "Pepper want a beer?"

pepper: "Pepper beer"

my u: "Pepper get drunk?"

pepper: "Pepper drunk"

pepper: "Help, help pepper"


Pepper sittig on the edge of the coffee cup, sipping beer, looking like a lush.


your comment


Oh well, I'm going to try the bottle


made me think of Pepper and his beer. IF you give the hard stuff to Harvey, you shouldn't mind getting wet in any way...lol. By the way, Pepper lived to be 30 before leaving us.




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In my experience, it will take alot of time and regular showers. In our case ... 2 or 3 a week and it was only after 10 months of this that she showed me some wing pits.


In Emma's case.. she has to either be in the mood for a shower or receive alot of singing and animation from me before she FLUFFS up!:side: Believe me it is really wonderful when this happens and then you discover how absolutely scrawney they are under their feathers. It seem that their feathers make them appear at least 3 times bulkier in my opinion.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/03 01:59<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/08/03 02:01

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Thanks Tango - both Robin and I have absolutely no intention of giving our parrots alcohol - there's a history behind my alcoholic tendencies (in relation to the antics of a 7 month old) so it's just a little joke - I promise! Anyway - I'm too greedy to share mine with anybody!! ;)


Ha lovethatgrey - I'm a little worried about the scrawnyness - I can imagine how pathetic they look - my mam used to have a bearded collie dog, and when we bathed her she looked like a skinned rat!!


Harvey's dusty again - the outside is getting washed, but not the insides!! I'll keep persevering tho - he's not getting the best of me!! ;)

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I would never in a million years consider giving any of my pets (fids or dogs) any type of alcohol. My uncle used to do it, and I knew no better, I was about 16 and it was my experience with a bird. Mind you 31 years later I do know better. Heavens, I won't let George, Dixie or Sterling drink out of the same cup as I do, forget anything stronger than water.


It was a joke, meant as nothing more, and what my Uncle did, well I can't speak for him, but the joke about the alcohol, brought back some funny (albeit ignorant) memories of some of the dearest people in my life.




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Tango no one on this forum is amoron or stupid we all know full well not to give alcohol to our birds. This is the 3rd very nasty post I've read from you could you please keep a check on your attitude when posting here we are a family and it is not a place to try and start an argument. I'm sorry Jilly for interrupted your fun I had to say something it was so obvious to everyone except Tango that this thread was all in fun. Now can I join you in a shot of Tequila I think I need one after that.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/04 00:13

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No problem - this is not an interruption this is yet another person with a sense of humour! Anyway - it's not alcohol that Harvey gets - I buy him cuban cigars!


Tango - this is a joke too! There's too much seriousness going on the world not to have a laugh.


Back to the shower - he's very happy to stand on his perch in the shower and now has the tendency to crouch as low as he can in order that his feet don't get wet! It's the look on his face tho - he knows he's got one up on me!! :ohmy:

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What we did with Rangi was taught him to lift his wings. Everyday we would just spend a few minutes saying to him "Lift your wing" and gently lift it for him. After awhile he got the idea and then we transfered this to bathing, so that when we misted him we then said "lift your wing" and he let us lift it and spray him. Now he lifts them automatically when I spray him.


Bathing for us is a major fun time and we get them all excited before I even bring out the bathing stuff.Then when they see the water they automatically fluff up and leap in. I really think having fun is the key to bathing them, so that they associate it with a good time. If I would just stand there and squirt them and expect them to bath they wouldn't have anything to do with it.

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Jane - what a great idea! Now I have something to work with. Dixie does exactly like Harvey - nothing to do with it whatsoever, but this gives me another way to make bathtime fun - other than my watching in laughter as she trys to bathe in her water bowl.


Jilly - cuban cigars??? I thought those were banned! Smuggle me in a few for Sterling - can't you just imagine that majestic white U2 holding a havana!


Tequila shots on me for everyone!



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