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Parrots Cold


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Hi folks,


i took my TAG Cookie today to the vet to clip her nails, anyways, after the nurse finished clipping, i put Cookie back in her cage for me to pay the money, when i got back i saw that someone was playing with her and touching her beak, he seemed to be a nice guy, so i asked him why he is at the vet's clinic, he said that his CAG caught cold and the doctor is giving it some medicine...


when he told me that i got freaked out and went crazy on him, i told him that he shouldnt have touched my parrot if his parrot has cold, becuase mine could catch it, then he started laughing and said that i should not be worried cause its not contagious ...


i dont know, i dont believe him, can you please help, can Cookie catch cold or not through this stupid moron?

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Hopefully not, I hope he has washed his hands first. Anyway if his parrot got the cold due to cold weather (AC), then I dont think yours can catch it. In any case try to give your Cookie a slice of orange to eat 3 times a week, this would give them enough vitamin c.

I give Kookie one every day, he loves it and he eats it all until its completely shaved


Take Care

{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/08/01 12:18

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Hi Rana,


thank you for the advise, hope that this will help...


when i got home, i instantly gave her a bath "i dont know why" i washed her beak and put alot of "Prime" vitamine on her food....


i will make sure to get orange now and let her eat it as you advised.


thanks again

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What a moron, I don't blame you for going off on that guy I would have too but you should have immediately asked the vet about it as he would be the one to know for sure whether it was contagious. If I were you I would put in a call to your vet for reassurance, you don't want to take any chances.

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You had very good reason to be upset. When a Parrot displays the symptoms of a "Cold" there is many terrible Avian diseases associated with those symptoms.


There is no such thing as an avian "cold"! It seems to be a wide spread notion that birds contract colds just like their human owners.


What may appear to the owner to be a "cold" in a bird, could actually be one of the various forms of upper respiratory tract problems. Symptoms can include, but are not limited to the following:


- Increased respiratory rate

- Tail bobbing at rest

- Noisy breathing

- Coughing

- Sneezing

- Nasal or eye discharge

- Swelling around the eyes

- Change in tone or voice

- Lethargy

- Ruffled feathers

- Weakness

- Loss of appetite


I personally never sit anywhere near anyone in the vets office with another bird and insure they disinfected the room thoroughly before ever agreeing to enter it.


You should have "beeatch" slapped that person.... :angry:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/01 19:23

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Thank you all for the feedback,


I called the doctor couple of hours ago and asked him if Cookie could catch whatever illness that bird has, so he said that it is possible and i should monitor my baby for the coming 72 hours and if any unusual symptoms appear i should take her to the clinic Immediately...


anyways, i tried to look up this forum to see if lemon is harmful or not to AGs in general, but i could not find any, so i googled it and found this amazing video on youtube for an AG eating a piece of lemon, so i instantly cut a lemon and gave it to her just as a precautionary action and she seemed to be enjoying it ... she did not eat that much but she ate some which hopefully will be helpful ...


thank you everyone again ... and will keep you informed...

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The vitamins should help build her immune system. What a stupid person that guy is I don't let anybody touch my birds if they own birds themselves unless they wash their hands first. I even carry that dry wash disinfecting stuff in my purse just in case there isn't a sink around I always pick up a couple of bottles of the stuff when I'm at the dollar store. I'm always washing my hands Its so important when you have birds

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What an idiot!! I would be furious if anyone touched or tried to handle Chimay without my permission...you just don't know where peoples' hands have been or what their hygine is like. Good for you for taking all precautions possible to keep your baby healthy. Please keep us posted

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001-3.jpg This is a picture of Charlie in his carrier. It is ideal for preventing situations like this.It is perspex and people cant get fingers near him,its ideal for vet visits.It was very expensive but gets used daily for both my birds so it was money well spent,
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I hope Cookie will be okay.

Ive got the same carrier Sheila, I also think its a good idea to use one of these. Like you say they are pretty expensive though. I think mine cost about £180 and that was a couple of years ago, I dont know what they cost now.

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