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he is here he is here he is here!!!!!!


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Finally at 1:48am......He is so awesome i just have to tell everyone..when the guy brought him out and set down his cage. I started to talk to him and boy did he let me have it... he went on and on and on. I know he thought we forgot him as he had been in flight since 9am. He finally settled down and we were getting the paper work taken care of .

I took him to the car and we went home which is like 5 minutes from the airport. he was quiter on the way home with just a chirp here and there.

we brought him in the house and I opened the cage and put my finger up to his feet and said up a couple of times and he finally got on and very carefully I pulled my hand out being very careful not to drop him or hit his head on the top of the carrier and this was not very easy....lol We got home and I fed him some canalop he had a few bites not much. then I held up to him his zupreem and he took it from my hand and then put it in his foot and ate it. the whole time I am talking away and telling him how awesome he is. and when he wanted another bite he just chirped at me...I cannot tell you the feeling is just wonderful. We really connected right from the get go.Once he stopped eating I put him in his big cage for the night. I let him crawl around a little bit so he could see what was all in there. then I covered him up and now he is quiet and sleeping I hope. He had such a long day. I cant wait till morning so I can play with him all day long. !!!! He is the best ever. He is everything I hoped for and more.{Feel-good-000200A2}{Feel-good-000200A2}{Feel-good-000200A2}

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Thats so grey't I'm glad he is home safe and sound. he really wanted to tell you all about his adventure on the plane didn't he I'm so glad he has decided your the one for him and I look forward to hearing about your first day together. Please don't forget to take some picture to share with us. maybe even a video or 2 would be nice. Have a wonderful time with your new Baby.

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Aww CONGRATS!! You remind me of me when I brought Ecko home! I was soo excited, all I wanted to do was play with him and when I put him to bed all I wanted to do was check on him haha. You sound so happy, thats wonderful. You are going to have a great time with your new baby. Can't wait to see some pictures. :P<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/08/01 17:11

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justalady721 wrote:

...I cannot tell you the feeling is just wonderful.


We all remember that feeling and your right, words cannot describe it!! :-)


Congratulations on the GreYt homecoming and the fine job you did of getting him settled in and feeling right at home.


Looking forward to hearing more once your all up and around and maybe seeing a photo or two. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/08/01 17:16

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Yeah he has finally arrived, poor thing had to endure all day in a plane but looks like he survived it very well from your description and he acted pretty much as expected, what a little trouper.


Now the fun begins and I can't wait to hear of today's adventure so be sure to pull yourself away for a bit to share it with us including pictures please.:P

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm so glad his homecoming went well, and he made it all safe and sound. :) The first day Chimay came home was the happiest AND most nerve wracking day ever! Lol...Here's wishing many MANY more days of happiness to come for you and your new baby grey!!!

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