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eatting issues


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I have a 12 year old cag that up until the last couple days has been a good eater, last Sunday I brought home a 10 week old cag and now Kiwi wont touch his food. He will eat treats still, but not the healthy stuff. I can put him on the floor with the baby and he tries to feed him, talk to him, so I dont know why he wont eat. He seems to like the baby. Any suggestions?

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I think he is jealous. Emagine being married to a man who you believe is yours and only yours, and one day he brings home a younger woman...would you feel hungry???


I think this is his feeling now, somehow insecure. Just be patient and spend special time with him alone. Give him priority in everything,like feed him first and go to him first and dont fuss much about the new guy.

It will take him time to get used to his presence, just show him that you love him more




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yes you must keep the pecking order for awhile at least until the new baby is an excepted member of the flock your 1st Grey should always be first first to get fed first to get attention last to be put to bed at night. he must be shown that he is still #1 bird in your eyes and always will be.

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Rana and Pat are right you have to have a pecking order when you have more than one bird especially greys and the first one there is always number one, first fed and first in everything so they know their place. Give it a little more time but if you follow that rule then things should fall into place very quickly.


What are your grey's names? Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your two greys?

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judygram wrote:

Rana and Pat are right you have to have a pecking order when you have more than one


Judy and the others are right on. The "second" lover must take the second in most things. ;-) Keeps everything going happily along in the Nest. :-)

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