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YummYumm is coming HOME!!!


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I can not believe the way things have been happening for me. I found out 2 weeks ago I was not going to bring YummYumm home until mid-October. I was so upset, but things were out of my control. I found out last night that as soon as I got a cage I could get him (post in 'Cages & Homes what I got him). So, I got the cage today and he is coming home SUNDAY!!!!


36 hours and YummYumm will be in his new home...wow...now I'm scared...will I be a good mom? Will I know what to do? OMG all these scary thoughts!!!


Thanks for listening.<br><br>Post edited by: YummYumm09, at: 2009/08/01 05:51

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OMG! I am so happy for you! You will be a greyt mom! You have us here to help with any questions you may have. Just stay calm when you first bring him home. He will sense your anxiety, you will be a wonderful mom, and he will sense that and love you! :)

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Thats wonderful news Valerie but you will do fine so don't get stressed out over it or YummYumm will sense that, you have been given some good advice here so just let nature take its course. I can't wait to hear of his homecoming and pictures please.B)

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Congratulations Valerie on YummYumm coming home Sunday!!! You're going to be a great Mom. You already know that if you have any questions or concerns you can ask in the Nursery Room or Heatlh Room and oodles of family will come to your rescue. Can't wait to see some pictures of YummYumm's homecoming!!!

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He's been here 2 hours now...he came right to me...his 'old' owner left about an hour ago and he doesn't want to be away from me. He climbed up on my shoulder (I was leary) but it was good. I got some pics but have to take them to wally world to get uploaded. I will try to do that soon. I was sitting on the floor and he was walking around and wouldn't go far away from me, after a couple minutes he would come back to me and climb up on my leg...words can't decribe the feeling.


He is now in his cage for the second time. I put him in it for about 5 minutes, he didn't move an inch from where he stepped down. He now has climbed onto the big purch and has poked at his toy once or twice (lol just heard the bell so he poked it again). He's got to be exhausted his bed time is around 930 (its 1242 now). I know its past mine.


I think I am going to go talk to him for a little while, close the door, and try to get some sleep.


Will keep you updated.


{Feel-good-000200BB}{Feel-bad-0002006A} tears of joy<br><br>Post edited by: YummYumm09, at: 2009/08/02 06:46

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Thank you...it has been a wonderful day. He wouldn't come out of his cage this morning, but he was playing with his toys. Early afternoon he wondered out and would step on me. He just met my bf this morning and he ended up stepping up on him several times...now he has been on the top of his cage (he got up there himself) for a few hours. I just tried to step him up but he won't so I am just letting him be.


Will try to get pics posted this week.



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Ah thats great that things are going good for you and your new baby even at 19months old he is still very very young and will adapt very easily. It sounds like his first owner was very good with him if he's stepping up and wanting to be close already. Could you tell me why they were rehoming him. Just curious.

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I don't mind...she is a friend of mine and is a breeder of several types of birds. However, she was in a severe accident last year and was not able to spend the time he needs. He has been in his cage for over a year. Her greys are starting to lay again and she offered me him or a hatchling. I chose him.


Yes, she hand fed him and worked with him up until her accident.


He has a lil fight to him, but for the most part it seems he does what I ask him. He does not like to be taken out of his cage but he has come out on his own. He was on top of his cage last night and my boyfriend got him to step up after 20 minutes of talking to him to put him to bed. Once he got him on his hand, Jeff (bf) decided it would probably be best to let him wonder on the floor for a little while (YummYumm seems to like that). Jeff did this so YummYumm would not associate coming off the top of his cage to going directly into his cage.


Will keep you all updated. hoping ot have pics soon

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