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Well that a first for Tyco


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I wonder what she did wrong Tyco never says I love you I think maybe she has said twice in the last 2 years I've had her. This morning she must have told me 10 times Ilove you mom. She must have done something wrong but I haven't found it yet maybe she's figured out I'm getting another bird and she just securing her place in my heart


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Dodo doesn't say I love you yet, either, though I tell him that ten times a day at least! He just cocks his head sideways and looks at me intently. I think it's so sweet how they will say things and really *understand* what it is they're saying! I'm sure they really do love their parronts!

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PekingeseMama wrote:

Dodo doesn't say I love you yet, either, though I tell him that ten times a day at least! He just cocks his head sideways and looks at me intently. I think it's so sweet how they will say things and really *understand* what it is they're saying! I'm sure they really do love their parronts!


It's so that way: we work so hard to get them to say 1 thing and they say what we totally don't expect.


Example: Our green cheeked conures. My wife hates the common phrase: "really?" dripping with all its sarcasm. I say it occassionally. Yup. GCCs first word: "Really?" lol she could kill me for that.

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Dixie has been saying I love you for quite some time, Sterling says it, but not as often. The strangest thing was when Gracie died two weeks ago, the only thing either of them said when I told them that Gracie had passed was "I love you". It's like they both understood exactly what I was saying and they knew the correct response to such a devastating situation.


They know when you need to hear it, even if they don't say it all the time.



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I Think your right like I said Tyco has said I love you before but she does't say it very often but its like she really wanted me to know how she felt this morning and I just thought to myself how glad I am to have her in my life. They are just everything to me.

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