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Bird Date 07312009-2


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Jim here, A new day, sun's starting to shine, they have already said "good morning" and asked me how I am and if I slept good, they even changed my water and gave me food!!!I'm not used to this environment,this treatment, "stop, quit chewing your toe nails, things are different here". Last night I flew to the Male, what little I could fly, He held me and tried to scrtich me, at first I wouldn't let him, but he didn't yell at me? I let him, oh,it felt good...He put me to bed and the lady had changed my water and left a treat for me, I let her pet my head...Strange, they always talk to me, to all of us...

Jim out...(for now):ohmy:

To boldly go where this bird hasn't gone before...

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;) Thank you, he is doing good for such a short time. Each day he say's something new.. he say's: hello, hi, A couple of things we can't make out. He wolf whistle's he makes a beep, and he makes the sound of 1 drip of water...Today he only chewed his toe nails 1 time, that's great. It took 3 day's but he eats his veggies and fruit...(NO LETTUCE OR GREENS YET)

Thank You...

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