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My baby TAG is scared of small children!


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So today I went to the aviary to visit my 7 week old Harley. I was holding him and cuddling him, and there was a kid in the store. For whatever reason, the kid decided to run full speed at me, carrying a bag of bird food and threw the food in my lap, where my baby was. I put my hands around him to protect him, but before I could, Harley started to growl/scream. Whenever the kid came into view Harley would growl.

Is this a sign of things to come? Will he forever be scared of kids? Or is this a baby thing?

Just wondering!


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Well Lindsey, let me get this straight, a kid ran at you full speed, threw the bag of food he was carrying into your lap where you were holding Harley and he growled and screamed? You dang skippy he did, who wouldn't, most greys do not like small children for this very reason, they are too quick moving and loud.


I don't think Harley will be traumatized for life but he will certainly remember that particular kid for a while if he sees him again. I think he will be fine Lindsey, that would have scared most people much less a grey baby, Harley was just reacting to the situation.

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Such a shame your baby got such a fright.I agree with Judy, it may not have put him off kids for life but this is something that you will find out in the future.I would just make sure children react in the right manner around him in the future.I am sure he will be fine.

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My Greys are fine with kids over the age of say 9 years old but they are terrified of kids who are younger and smaller than this!

The last time a friend of mine came with her Daughter who is 5 years old, she had to walk through the family room with the birds and they freaked! It was awful.

Maybe its to do with size as well as the fast movements, who knows?

I hope your Tag will overcome this and will be ok in the future. Every grey is different with children so hopefully its a one off:)

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No bird is comfortable around a fast moving unpredictable object, like a kid running, hopping, flapping their arms and just acting crazy like a kid does.


My Grey has been around children that age from 4yrs to 13 years old, since the day we brought him home. He is used to them, however he has learned those under 7 or so are untrustworthy and views them cautiously keeping his distance and keeping on eye on where they are.


We started from day one teaching the kids NOT to move fast or quickly place items they have in their hands straight in the birds face. It always results in a loud scream, fluffed feathers and a Grandpa screaming louder than the Grey. :angry:


Your Grey reacted as any would. So it is not a sentence to every child your Grey may encounter, but is a warning to you, that you must control the atmosphere when people are over and teach them good bird etiquette. Otherwise, the birds need to be caged when young ones are over and that area is "Off Limits" because kids will tease them.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/31 16:08

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Parrots and Kids can and do get along. here is a couple of photos of my birds with G-Kids:


Jake and Skyler(8)




Dayo and Skyler




Dayo, Jenna and Jeff(12) we initially brought 2 Greys home...


2007_0804African_Congo0058-1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/31 16:49

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Jeff and Skyler look very comfortable holding the greys and kinda cute too, I bet they are up to no good like their grandpa, especially Skyler, you can see that gleam in his eyes.


Thanks for sharing those pictures with us Dan, you have a couple of nice looking grandsons.

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I think your baby just needs to be shown that all kids are not the same as the kids that run around in the pet store the managment should really have a talk with that kids mother and tell her to control her children when there are baby birds around. I think as long as you introduse kids slowly to children and teach children how to behave birds and kids can get along just fine.

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