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Indy's Close Call


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So I was at work today and I get a call from my fiance- who was freaking out but telling me to stay calm- Indy had unscrewed the toy hook (the part that closes the hook that hooks the toy onto the cage) and had gotten the hook stuck through the bottom of the tender skin below his beak. I rushed home, and by the time I had gotten home Chris was able to remove the hook with small bolt cutters. Indy was bleeding and swelling and very stressed, we rushed him to the vet. The vet said Chris pretty much saved his life, had he wiggled the hook out instead of cutting it out- Indy would've needed surgery and might not have even made it through. So we left with antibiotics and ointment. We did however have to remove all of Indy's toys that were secured with the same type of hooks, which since that's the standard, were almost all of them, until we find a better solution.


When I put Indy in his cage, he looked around then looked at me as if to say "We've been robbed!" I gave him some shredables and am trying to figure a safe way to hang his toys tonight or tomorrow before I go to work.


So we're lucky!

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That is so scary. Glad Indy is okay. My vet recommends rawhide for hanging toys because of the danger of metal poisoning. I have not gone to that completely because Whisper's favorite thing is to untie knots so they don't stay very long. You could also use a wrench to tighten the hooks so he can't get them loose.

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That was a close call, glad to hear Chris was able to remove it before it caused further damage as you never want your bird to require surgery. Poor Indy must have been so stressed out but hopefully he will be just fine. Keep us informed ok.

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glad to hear Indy is okay that would have scared me to and I use thoose hooks for all my birds toys but so far nothing has happened yet, leather sounds like a good idea and alot safer or how about soft cotton rope?

Debbie_and_the_fids.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: RileysMom, at: 2009/07/31 06:49

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Glad to hear Indy is no worse for wear for his ordeal - great news Chris saved his life.


All of Harvey's toys are tied with these fasteners - he's always picking at them too. Thanks for the heads up on these - I'm going to keep a close eye on him now tho. :unsure:

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So glad Indy is ok.Thanks for the warning and the picture of the hooks.They are very common on bird toys. I replace those ones on Charlies toys with much thicker stainless steel quick links.Karma to you and Chris.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/31 12:28

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I have a suggestion and have recently considered this for my grey. In Babies R US or any place that sells baby toys they have these thick plastic hooks that can be linked together and are safe for babies to chew on. Those can make a great toy hangers. I have lots at home and do used them for some toys but I really need some more :)


I have a whole box of those metal clips from the two birds and they both unscrew them. I am glad that Indy is ok!

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What a terrible accident. I am so glad to hear this turned out ok.


Thanks for posting this. It definitely brings up a good point of how dangerous these toys and their connectors can be to our much loved Parrots.

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So glad that Indy is ok. I gues you have to know you bird and what he/she are likely to do, and then keep a good eye on their toys anyway. Dorian doesn't pick at his toys where they hang, but if one is hanging from one of these links I'll make sure I tighten it every day.


I agree, Chris sounds like a great parront. A man who stays cool in a crisis, and knows his way around a tool box is a keeper;)

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Just wanted to update...Indy is making a speedy recovery and taking his meds like a champ. I went to our local bird store today to get leather ties and they said this issue was common with both greys and macaws. They thought leather was a good idea or tightening all the hooks with pliers. I would rather not use the hooks now though so hopefully the leather will be ok!

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I'm glad your boy is OK! Holy cow I'd have been a mess!


We use those hooks to secure all our toys. Indy must have been in the the wrong place at the wrong time to get that to puncture under his beak!


Those hooks are pretty safe to use to hang toys from, and I think you guys just had the worst case scenario. Our fids don't ever even get up high enough to bother those hooks in the cage. I suppose it depends on how you have things set up.


Using untreated sisal rope/twine or leather can always be a good substitute.

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I know the hooks your talking about those would be great for hanging toy's and most dollar stores carry them 12 to a package for a $1.00 heres a picture I made a swing from them. I don't know if you can see it but each of those chain links has a small opening they would be perfect to hang toys with and because they are teething rings for babys there are no sharp edges to Peirce soft tissue

HPIM1166-1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/08/02 23:16

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