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What tune does your Grey Whistle?


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I'm wondering how many different "tunes" are picked up by our Greys? Harvey is trying to whistle "half a pound of tuppeny rice" (which I think is probably a song from the UK that the US etc may not have heard of).


I've seen some on the internet - but what is your Grey's speciality? It would be great to know :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/07/30 19:56

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Chimay is only just mastering the art of whistling, and aside from practicing his wolf whistle he tends to compose his own brand of "tunes." Lol. I'm sure it probably sounds like beautiful music to him, but to us it's a bunch of random long/short/warbling whistles. Interrupted by kissing noises and clicks. Ha ha!


Hopefully he'll pick up on a human-tune soon!


And you're right....I've never heard of that song (lol...I'm in the US) ;)

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Tyco is not a whistler she wolf whistles and does little whistle but that's about it. my Amazon on the other hand is a great whistler and singer she does Andy Griffith theme song. Baby face. Bye bye Blackbird. and she sings opera beautifully. So I think it just depends on what they enjoy doing Tyco does sing a little She sings Girls just wanna have fun. and old MacDonald had a farm,and If your happy and you know it flap your wings, a couple others also.

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Harvey is trying to whistle "half a pound of tuppeny rice"


Does it shoot rice all over the house??? ;-)


Dayo whistles Andy Griffith and God knows what else he has invented and picked up..... I keep waiting for him to "Whistle" the song "Highway to Hell", cause thats where he's going for all the death and destruction he has caused since his arrival on his Harley....with a bunch of hooligan his friends wearing Red Tails.... :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/30 21:19

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Ha Ha Ha! I'm normally quick on the uptake - had to read that a couple of times!!! :laugh: He may aswell - there's everything else spread around the house!!!


Half a pound of tuppeny rice is a song that my tiel used to whistle perfectly, so when we brought Harvey home it was the first thing we tried to teach him.


I've found a Grey doing it on You Tube:



There are words too - but he's not that clever.....Yet!!

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Dixie wolf whistles perfectly (thanks to my husband) and she also calls the dogs on a routine basis with her imitation of my whistling for the dogs. She has the first three notes to "Dixie" but then again, I'm raising a politically incorrect Grey.




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Wow - they all pick up completely different tunes don't they! Harvey wolf whistles at even the ugliest people who come in my house - so I'm not sure he knows the origin of it!


I'm laughing at all the tunes that they whistle - I've had to look a few of them up tho!


One I am familiar with is "Marching on together" - needless to say Casper - Blaydon Races isn't been sang in this house much at the mo!! :laugh: so Harvey's got no chance of picking it up!!!

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Cleo is learning to whistle the Colonel Bogey March. Only once have I heard her do the first line correctly. All the other times she just makes up her own ending, which is usually some exaggerated form of a wolf whistle.


She also copies all the sounds the lorikeets make, but at a much higher volume usually.


It's rather lovely to watch though, the lorikeets will be hanging off the side of their cage closest to Cleo's cage, and they will whistle to her, and she responds back.

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