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George is going on his holidays !


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George is going to the boarding vets tomorrow for 10 days. The place he is going to his owned by Alan Jones a well known parrot expert, so im ok with that. I have seen there facilities and they are brilliant.However Im just wondering how I can make the experience pain free for him and me .I have never left him alone before I normally take him with us in the travel cage .Alan as assured me he will get plenty of out cage time and ppl will interact with him .I have got treats and favourite toys to take with me but now starting to stress a little as its getting so near .:(<br><br>Post edited by: Poppy, at: 2009/07/30 16:41

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Is George taking his own cage?if not you are doing all you can,taking his own toys and treats.Maybe take some of his own perches and feed dishes. I am sure George will be fine,its often harder on us than them.

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Poppy wrote:

Im just wondering how I can make the experience pain free for him and me :(


I know xanax and shots of 151 rum works pretty well. :P


Seriously though, it sounds like your grey is going to be in very good hands and a very nice environment. Your pain and nervousness will probably be greater than your greys. :-)

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Marie, you are doing all you can to make things easier for George.

Like Sheila said, if he is not in his own cage take some perches for him as well.

I only wish I was nearer I would have loved to have had him for you.


Try not to worry (from a person who never goes away lol)

you know he is in good hands.


Enjoy your time away:kiss:

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Thanks everybody

George is going in his travel cage .I got the large one its 60x43x53 cms.They have also said that he can go in a bigger cage if i want but will just see when i get there .He seems to be ok in his travel cage when go up to mums and stay there.I must admit my stomach is doing sumersaults at min and my nerves overtime.I just think as you say Im feeling worse then he will be ! :huh:<br><br>Post edited by: Poppy, at: 2009/07/30 16:42

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George will be fine (check me out, I wasn't this confident 17 days ago!!). I've just returned after two weeks away and my parents looked after Harvey. I had apprehensions too (he doesn't know them too well, but they are really caring people). He was fine!


All these fab people gave me the reassurances that they are giving you and lo and behold, when I returned on Saturday Harvey was over the moon to see us, but certainly hadn't suffered! Go and enjoy yourself - he'll be fine xx B)

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Marie, George will be fine. The only problem you might have is a little uppityness caused by his hanging with a well-known parrot expert!!!! B) ;) :lol: He might demand a higher status in the family, like being called Sir George.:) Seriously, everything will be fine and George will be so happy to see you when you pick him up. Have a wonderful time on your holiday!!!!

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