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One more day after tomorrow !!!!


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I can hardly sit still, I am so excited. I am also very very nervous of what the ride home will be like. and should I maybe take some treats with me. Should I hold him in the car. I feel bad for him as he will be in flight from 12:00 noon until 5pm. Poor little guy. I went out and bought some more toys his cage is full. I may have to take a few out.....lol

I went and got the dry food for him. I will go tomorrow morning and purchase my fruits and vegies. It seems like I have waited forever in a day to be able to get him home. I just hope I dont forget anything. I emptied out all of our spray cleaners, and chemicals. I am just using the vininger and water and actually getting use to the smell and kinda like it now ....is that weird or what....lol

As soon as I can get a picture of him I will post it on here so every one can see. I may take a picture of his cage so I can show you how I have it set up.

Ok, I think I am going to try to wind myself down if that is possible...lol

Good Night every one ...

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If its very hot the day he's being shipped maybe ask the breeder to soak him down before putting him on the plane so he doesn't over heat. they can overheat so quickly in this warm weather. Or maybe she could put a hot water bottle in the crate full of Ice to help keep it cool in there.

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I will email her that information. I thought they put them in the air conditioning...

Thank You!!!!

what do you think about maybe bringing a dish of water maybe a cooler with some cool fruit.. because it will takes us about an hour from the airport to get home.

should I just bring maybe a little food and wanter and some cool fruit???

Its been raining all day here today. I am not sure what the weather will be on friday but it is still hot and humid.

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How exciting one more day and than you get to bring your baby home!!!! I would leave your baby in its carrier until you get home as you don't want him to get spooked and start flying through your car on the freeway. When I brought my baby home, she sit in her travel cage on the back seat where she could see me and I spoke to her quietly and by the time we got home she was barking like a small dog (breeder had three little dogs) and calling out to me. Can't wait to hear how the homecoming goes and to see some pictures when you get a chance.

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Leave him in his carrier untill you are home.If it is very warm take a sprey bottle with you to damp him down.Some fruit is a good idea,keep it cool and fresh in a cool bag.Check with the breeder about flight conditions and check with the airline yourself close to arrival incase of delays or indeed the flight gets in early.I am almost as excited as you.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/07/30 11:17

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One more day Justalady carnt wait

Her little babys on his way in a crate

Soon be time for the airport run

To pick up her bundle of fun

Then its home to be forever

At last its time to be together

I know there will be tears of joy

And lots of happiness with this new little boy :)

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daveyj wrote:

One more day Justalady carnt wait

Her little babys on his way in a crate

Soon be time for the airport run

To pick up her bundle of fun

Then its home to be forever

At last its time to be together

I know there will be tears of joy

And lots of happiness with this new little boy :)

DAVEY...... Thank you so much for the poem. I use to write to but its been along time. I never had anything published although I was hoping one day I would. I still have a folder full of poems...

Thank you !!!!

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I am so excited for you! Your posts bring back memories of when I droe to the airport to pick up Talon at 8 1/2 weeks old. SHe flew from FL to MA and was at the airport at 8am, I finally got her at 3:30pm. SHe cried all the way home, but as long as I was talking to her, she kept it to a minimum. I did keep her in her carrier until I got her home. IT was another hour and a half ride to get home.

Please keep up updated on how things go. I can't wait to here more and see pictures!! :) :)

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congrats...I have never had a Grey flown but I did have my MinPin (Miniture Pincher) flown from Idaho to Virginia in August. Took us 3 weeks to get the day set. Actually, the breeder went to the airport 4 days in a row to try to get him out. The airlines will not allow animals to be flown if the ground temperature is over 80 degrees or something close to that. Because they ride where the luggage is and there is no air conditioning and temperatures can reach up over a 100 degrees when sitting out on the runway waiting to take off or landing. This is my experience with animals thought I would let you know. also, my dog flew a commercial flight...might be different flying on a cargo flight.


Again, congrats...and I know how the waiting is...I've been waiting a month for YummYumm to come home and still no date yet.

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Like I said just check with the airline its a long trip so provision must be made to keep the baby from over heating I'm sure everything will be fine I had my GCC shipped to me in the middle of winter and it can get really cold up here in canada I had to wait 2 extra weeks for the weather to break because it was 12 below 0 finaly we got a day the the tempeture went up to 1 above and we decided it wasn't going to get any better than that. he was fine and was so happy to be home what a great little bird he is still that was almost 3yrs ago now wow how time flys.

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