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Rikki's new perch! *Add yours*

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The other day I noticed Rikki had made her own perch. She loves it! Its a wall mount plant hanger that we attached Talon's ball perch to. Rikki decided that being that high up is SO much fun! :lol:


Have any of your birds invented their own perch? Post a picture of them on it!








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Haha OH YES! Ecko has found many things around my apt to make a perch out of it. I realized he likes to be in the highest places.


The cabinet doors.


The fruit basket.


The light (which I always get him off of it)


And his obsession, THE FAN!



LOL Great pictures of Rikki, Melissa! It looks like she is having a blast. :P

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Cait, Talon used to love to perch on the ceiling fan blades, but then she started chewing them, so to get her off, I would slowly turn them on hoping she would get scared and fly off, but she LOVED it! So, I would speed it up little by little, guess what....she LOVED GOING FAST!! She loves riding them!! :woohoo: :blink:

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Talon wrote:

Cait, Talon used to love to perch on the ceiling fan blades, but then she started chewing them, so to get her off, I would slowly turn them on hoping she would get scared and fly off, but she LOVED it! So, I would speed it up little by little, guess what....she LOVED GOING FAST!! She loves riding them!! :woohoo: :blink:


HAHAHA!! That is so funny! I have tried turning the fan on to get him down but he wouldn't move so I turned it off scared that he might fall LOL, maybe he wants to ride on it too haha! I hate it when he goes on the fan! It's the highest place in the house and I can never reach him to get off!

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Thats funny I would be afraid he would lose his grip and get caught in the fan. I had a girlfriend that had a B&G and he loved riding on the ceiling fan also it was really funny to watch I wonder why they like that so much you would thing they would get an upset tummy I guess they are more like children than we know because I don't know one kid that doesn't like to spin them selves around till they get so dizzy that they fall down I guess birds are the same way.

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They must be Pat, the little rug rats, I love these pictures, those of Rikki who is a good looking grey and those of Ecko, also a good looking grey getting onto the highest point they can find.


That would make a good video, one of them going around on the ceiling fan, anyone game?

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