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Peach Stones


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I was eating a peach tonight when Harvey took a great interest in it. I ended up chopping the half off I'd eaten and offered him the other half (removing him swiftly to his cage and away from my cream sofa!!).


He picked all of the soft fruit off, hardly eating any, but decorating the floor/table/lamp and then once he'd stripped it to the stone he started "shaving" the stone with his beak. It was at this point I took it from him (to the loudest protestations I have heard since the first attempt at the Aviator!!


Does anyone know if these are harmful or is he fine chewing it - please let it be fine - I'll get hours of peace!!! ;)

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Peach pits are definitey toxic to parrots. On a par with cherry pits and many places say that even peach fruit is unhealthy for them because of the extreme acidity they contain but it is debatable concerning peach fruit. But why take a chance??

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Thanks for that Dave - I did take it from him. I didn't know about the fruit itself tho - I'll definitely not take the chance.


Thank you so much for replying. See - this is exactly why this site is just so great - such excellent advice for such novices, like myself. Jill xx :kiss:

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