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Hi Everyone...I found out that YummYumm is not 2 years old...his hatch date is Jan 8, '08...so that puts him at 18 months old (almost 19). I also found out the breeder clipped his wings at a VERY young age and that he has NEVER flown.


The things I have read it sounds to me that flying at least knowing how to fly is a very important part of a birds growth and stability. (Ghee I wonder why...birds are ment to FLY lol)


So, my question is should I let his wings grow out (once I get him home) and try to teach him how to fly and if so how the heck would I go about teaching how to fly. Or should I just keep his wings clipped.


Also, I am able to see him once a week and tonight is the night. I have about 30 mins to an hour with him...he comes to me and will let me hold him...what should I do with him...this will only be the third time him ever seeing me and the second time I have had him out of his cage...I don't like how she gets him out (towel).


Any input would be gr8...thanks a bunch. :)

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Yes, let his wings grow out. He will for the most part fly on his own, since it pretty much comes naturally. :-)


When you get him home in his own cage, you will probably not experience the need for a towel, as is evidently necessary where you are visiting at.


Just enjoy your visits with him and let him kick around at his own pace and do what he wants. he obviously truly enjoys the time spent with you. :-)

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Thank you...that's what I thought...everyone I have talked to said it was pretty amazing that he came to me like he did for it being the first time he has been out of his cage for over a year. She also clipped his wings when she had him in the towel. I felt so bad for him...it must had been tramadic for him...that is probably why he came to me, to get a way from her lol. Well we will see how tonight goes...she is not going to be in the room when I am there so he can get to know me with out her around.


The current owner (breeder) said he was very lovable when she was working with him before. I hope he still will be for me. :)

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