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The last thing I expected was for the two of them to have conversations, but she is eliciting little peeps and murmurs from him already. She has a game she plays with me where she leads with a tune and I match. If I get it wrong, she give me a buzzer sound. Today she must be getting to feel like the rabbit and tar baby. When she regales Juno with her repertoire and he doesn't answer her, she is giving him the buzzer. This is all just keeping me laughing. Laughter is the best part of life.

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Finding this forum is the best thing we did for Java. While we were a grey-in-waiting, the videos made me laugh while she sat on my shoulder and learned that talking was a good thing. Now, she has a little playmate and he shares all his good stuff with her and she couldn't be more pleased. I was really afraid it would be hard on her to get a second bird and it has been the best thing ever for her so far.

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Thanks for the encouragement. We got Juno's bloodwork back today and the vet says all is well, so I thought I would wait until dark, let them both out at the same time. My thinking was that if they went berserk, I could turn out the light to isolate and remove one. Java was a little red-eyed demon, no more sweet nothings. She went right after Juno on his tree and offered to bite him. He suggested he could bite her little head off and I had to pick her up in a fleece square and escort her back to her cage. Then, they make all sorts of sweet sounds to each other. It will take some time and a lot of vigilance and patience if they can ever come out of their cages at the same time.

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katana600 wrote:

She went right after Juno on his tree and offered to bite him. He suggested he could bite her little head off and I had to pick her up in a fleece square and escort her back to her cage.


Lol Dee - you have such a way with words!

A rocky start perhaps, but freindships built on rocky foundations often last the longest!


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Thank goodness they didn't get any closer. Now we are back to a strict quarantine after a second run of cultures revealed some nasty stuff for Juno. We are going to keep them in separate rooms and keep the hand washing to an extreme before interacting with either of them. Since Java likes my room she can hang out in here while I am on the computer and Juno can be at the other end of the house since I will have to get him out twice a day for meds. Java is whistling sweet nothings to Juno and keeping him entertained even when they can't see each other. To top it off, I drove up to the university again to get my daughter to a doctor. Either she has the worst sprain Dr. S has ever seen, or she has popped off a tendon. We are going tonight at seven for an MRI.

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  • 1 month later...

I thought Java was reminding me of the words on the wall at the entrance to our home. It is hard to read on the picture, but says "May our home know joy, each room hold laughter, every window open to great possibilities" I walk past this every day and forget to see it sometimes, it is appropriate at this time. We do have joy and laughter and great possibilities, today and every day.

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What a kind and thoughtful lady you really are Dee, to be wishing all of us well at this time.

I think Java was bringing your attention to the little things - namely her! The words on the wall are lovely and I'm so gald you are able to be positive. Let Java be your silver lining! She's a little smasher!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for thinking of my little friend. She has been wildly enjoying her freedom. She has a new job too. Our three dogs like to lay on the back of the new sofa in the sunshine, like cats. One at a time wouldn't be an issue, but three together on the same cushion are going to break it down. So, once I chased them off, now Java flies over and chases them down for me. She is gleeful with her swooping and loves the result. She had been repeating all of Juno's whoops and chortles but when I came home without him she has never made another of his sounds although she still makes sounds of the cockatiel we fostered three years ago. She is such a joy and comfort in my life.

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