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Advice Needed - Conures


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Further to my post about my adding a hahns macaw to my flock, there is the possability of my aquiring a "baby green conure". I hope to view this bird on Friday but before I go I would like to know a little about this bird and conures in general, preferably from those who own/have owned one. The asking price for the said conure is a steal hence the reason I'd be able to buy it now when I was thinking about buying in the future.


Is it true that conures in general are very noisy? The greens ones less so I've read. What is their diet, is it very different from a grey's diet? Do they have different requirements than a grey? My guess is that they are approx. a third the size of a typical AG and very similar to the hahns - am I right?


Any advice would be gratefully received and karma to any "brilliant" replies! Thanks in advance. J

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Julie I don't know a lot about conures except for the one I have which is a sun conure and yes she can be loud sometimes but it doesn't bother me at all. They are known for being screamers but she only does that at times but she is a delight to have.


Sunny is my first parrot, she is what wheted my appetite for a bigger bird hence I got my grey Josey. Sunny is about 4 1/2 years old and is a shoulder ornament meaning she likes nothing better than to be on me when she is out of her cage which is most of the time when I am home.


I feed her pretty much what I feed my grey, just smaller amounts since she is a smaller bird, I don't know about a hahn's macaw being about the same size as I am not familiar with them.


As far as telling a young one, with suns if they do not have a lot of yellow and orange then they are young, they have a lot of green that molts out with the first one or two and they become a bright yellow and orange, I don't know about the green conure. You will have to look it up, goggle it and find out.


But as far as being noisy or screaming, what one person thinks is loud another person might not but maybe the green ones are quieter.

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Thanks Judy, that's good that you can feed them the same. I was wondering what questions I should ask and how to tell the age just to be sure I'm getting the bargain I think I am lol! Maybe others on here have a green conure. I've seen pics of hahns and conures resting in a peron's hand and they look very similar in size to me but I guess I won't really know until I see it for myself. Waiting is tough though eh?

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Hi, I also have a conure..It's a Nanday, green body with black head/face. Mine goes through spurts of being noisy but he can also be a very quiet bird too. Usually, when he is screaming there is a reason for it. It might be he wants attention/ to be held or he wants a certain treat. For awhile he was on a screaming fit and we found out that it was an ice cube that he wanted. There are other little things like that, too, you just have to figure out what it is they want sometimes. I'm like Judy on the noise thing. Mine can be loud but it doesn't bother me.


My conure also likes to ride on the shoulder. He is a very loving bird for the most part and just loves to be near a person. He loves to snuggle and cuddle up with my husband. He also loves to take showers in the sink. He is a real comedian most of the time. I've heard conures are a big bird in a little birds body and I think that fits mine pretty good. He likes to rule the roost even if he is half the size of my others. :laugh: They have lots of character and sometimes an attitude:evil: He's a real joy most of the time. He's hormonal right now and a bit cranky but I think that's almost over.


I would say though that if noise bothers you, it could be aggrevating. If you accept that some birds will make some noise then you should be fine.


And I feed mine the same diet as my grey gets.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/07/29 20:26

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:) Here goe's : If it's a Green-cheek conure, or a red belly, their one of the smallest, and least loudest,Their 9-10 inch,s long.(there's many mutations of GC)

The next size up, Sun's, Nandays, Golden,Half-moons etc, a little more noisy. Next, Mitered, red-head, Crimson-headed,etc, can be noisy, their large and eat parrot food. As far as age,it's hard to tell. We have a few Conure,s let me know his whole name and maybe I can tell you more. Treat them as a Grey, just smaller size food.:)









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I have a jenday conure, and he is just the most cuddly, loving little guy ever! He's not as high strung as the grey, loves to play, and wants nothing more than to be with me as much as possible. My Rainbow only screeches when he wants to come out of his cage, which is usually when he's craving attention the most. He's got a daytime and a nighttime cage, so he'll call to me to let him know he's sleepy at night, too, so I can move him to his nighttime cage. He really is a delight, I think you'll love the green cheeked conure!

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I have a Greencheeked conure and Ive had a Fiery shouldered conure and both were and the GCC is still the quietest birds I own. They are so much fun to watch they love to entertain. they are also very cuddley and are not fussy who they get attention from as long as they get some. They are definatly people birds. and they think they can take onthe world be careful of them around your Grey My GCC got up in Tycos face when I first got Tyco and Tyco reached through the bars of Sprouts cage and riped his top mandable right off I had to hand feed sprout for 7 months till he learned how to eat and got some growth back he will never have a full top mandable again. they will try to take on any large bird they think they are the biggest bird in the world Sprout doesn't think so anymore and is the sweetest most lovy little guy in the world he's fully flighted and will never fly away he flys all over the back yard and always comes back and wants to be cuddled and loved. He's a very special bird.

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As everyone said before Conures are very lovable birds. Until recently rehoming a Grey a Conure is the only parrot I have had and love them dearly. They are on the noisy side but not all are screamers all the time and some are not at all. I have had both a quiet one and noisey one. They are cuddly, lovable, playful, poop machines as I call them :laugh:.


Beside looking at noticable things in young birds like full coloring on a Sun a quick check is the eye I am told. Young conures will have light colored eyes and they darken after about 2 years old which I have found to be true in my birds. They can become very loud during teenage years I call it puberty.


The good thing with them is they are not picky with who it is that is loving them and they love to play and tear stuff up. They are generally trusting birds and with mine Sally not much bothers her. They also talk fairly well when you work with them, mine plays peek a boo, and tells me when she wants to step up. Lastly they like to be naughty cause they are little devils and stubborn. I think you will love one they are allot of fun!

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