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My baby girl comes home Saturday 8/1


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Thas so grey't that you are getting her out and about with you Adaya loves to come with me but right now it just to hot and she gets over heated very quickly so she stays home where it nice and cool I put an air conditioner in the room the birds are in and what a difference it has made the whole house stays cool with one small window air conditioner at one end and another at the other end it stays a nice 68 degrees in my house. its just wonderful

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OH MY GOSH she is such a sweetheart! Congratulations on a very successful homecoming - it's so nice to see you getting her out and about! People just love to see them don't they? The attention is fantastic and she'll be so well socialized!

What a precious little girl you have there, and I love her name! Congrats! :laugh:

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