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It's a Boy!

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I have been appreciating and reading about African Grey's for years. Three years ago we acquired our first parrot. Java is a red-bellied parrot and came from a bare cage in a pet shop. She had a brutal wing clip, was biting the stuffin' out of anyone who came near the cage, but put her head down, cooed to my husband, rubbed her beak against his finger and this "no more pets" fellow brought her home so she wouldn't be alone in a cage for the holidays. We are smitten beyond words and now she is sociable, intelligent and simply a joy. While we were buying more toys for her, we have gotten to know a couple who raise greys. We were chosen by an eight week old CAG. They do not release their babies until all the siblings in the clutch wean themselves, so it could be a month or more before our baby comes home. We can visit him every other weekend until he comes home. We think we are going to name him Juno because his purchase means we will not ever be taking that Alaskan cruise we thought we wanted all these years. LOL. We would like to be part of your forum to learn more and to share with others who love parrots.

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Katana what a very nice introduction! Congratulations on your new baby CAG, Juno. What a very handsome grey Juno is. You can also post about Java in the Other Bird Room. Can't wait to hear more about your fids! Welcome to the grey family!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/07/29 00:14

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Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome and especially for all the time you have spent to create this forum and share your experiences. While every one of our parrots are unique and exceptional, it helps to know that you have such good advice and encouragement to share. We will continue to read all the posts on the forum. First hand knowledge is a great addition to the books, avian vet feedback and general information. Will let you know when Juno comes home.

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Hello Katana and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Juno.


Never say never on that Alaskan cruise as you never know what the future holds for you and what may come.


That is so wonderful what you did for Java, that was just what she needed, some love and attention, I can imagine that Juno will be so loved and spoiled rotten.


I wholeheartedly agree, you should read thru the many threads here for loads of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have any of Juno yet that you would share with us we would appreciate it and you can share some of Java in the other birds room.

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Welcome katana600 and ever growing flock!!


It's GreYt to have you here. :-)


What a wonderful introduction and story. It's always wonderful to hear of people rescuing a Parrot from a bad environment as you and your husband did.


The Alaskan trip may be off, but you will have nothing but joy from those two Parrots for the rest of your life. :-)


Congratulations on Juno being a Boy and the name fits perfectly. The photo shows a beautiful healthy baby CAG. It's always GreYt when you can visit while they are at the Breeders and the BIG PLUS is he picked you!! :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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  • 1 month later...

We are going to see Juno again this weekend, both days! I have been busy trying to read all the posts on this forum and get ready for when we finally bring him home. The advice you offer is really helping, especially how to handle our little spitfire Java and make sure she knows she is the alpha-bird.

By now, the dream cruise would have been photos on my computer, but I have so much to look forward to with Juno every day. I have the Aviator harness, have watched the video. I have been on gathering mission with everything from foraging toys, to foot toys, swings, boings, perches and more. I have read books you've recommended and read ahead about all sorts of good behavior and even how to avert some bad misadventures.

Although we have all agreed to wait for another month, I'll surely have the backpack in the car, you know, just in case he weaned and they "surprise" me and let him come earlier. LOL. We are waiting longer than average from what I read, but his breeder has done this for a long time and she is wonderful to him and his brothers, so if a month more helps him be more ready to leave his nest, I have the rest of our lives together to enjoy the benefit.

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Welcome Katana to the forum and congrads on you babies. I have a 18 week old Timneh Grey female named Rudy and she is still on 2 handfeedings , one in the morning and one at night she realyyyyyyyyyyyy loves her formula and she insists on cuddling after she eats for at least a good 30 minutes so u never know how long it will take for them to wean I was thinking maybe she would give up the morning feeding by now but nope not yet thats ok when she is ready, you are gonna love having that little baby grey :)

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This forum has been such a good source of information and advice, thanks to everyone. I can hardly wait to graduate from the introduction thread to the nursery when Juno comes home.


I will get all my traveling and visiting done before he comes home and that helps pass through the months of waiting patiently. I get to go to the Houston Quilt Festival in mid October and when I get back, he may be ready. It is well worth the wait, and watching him with Ann and Tom, I know he is not only in the hands of experts, but really good people who love him too.

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The good news is that Juno isn't clipped and he is able to fly. The bad news is, I couldn't hold him because he can fly and they are in a public place. They do keep the little ones secluded and I can only spend time with him if I come straight from home, wear a smock, scrub with sanitizer. They are at a bird fair for their business and once I leave and look around, I can't come back in where the boys were kept.

I stayed with him for three hours, fed him and his brother some banana and gave him scratches through the bars. He was amazing. He stayed on the bars like a magnet and watched every move I made. He was very social while his brother could care less about me, except for that banana. LOL

Sad news about the third brother, he has a crop obstruction and is in the hospital. They are doing all they can and plan for him to have surgery Monday if not sooner. It feels a little mean to have a moment where I was just glad it isn't Juno, but I really do care about his brother too.

Juno's eyes are starting to get lighter, kind of silvery grey. The count down is on, it shouldn't be long now. I will see him again tomorrow. Thanks for caring, forum folks. :) Dee

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Good news today when I was back for another long visit, there was a phone call from the vet caring for Brother 3. It looks like the vet was able to clear the obstruction without surgery. I bought two more books to read about caring for an African Grey, to go along with what I have been learning here. One more bit of good news was the boys did not take their formula last night making it the first time they were not hand fed for a whole day. That doesn't mean they are weaned, just that it is getting closer. They will keep them two weeks longer from when they give up hand feeding altogether. There is just no way of setting a date and I'm okay with that.

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You are being a very patient woman and even though to you it seems like forever it will be here soon enough. Your breeder is just ensuring that your baby is fully weaned and doing fine before he sends it home, believe me the wait will be worth it then you will have the rest of your life to enjoy with Juno.

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Thanks for the support. I have the phone number for the breeder and have had the discipline not to call them, I know they have a busy life with family, work, and putting a lot of time in with these three youngsters. Juno is healthy and active, I have never heard him or his brothers growl. I know this couple is teaching him how to be a bird, how to be independent and that is going to be an advantage to us later.


The happiest moment of all was when my husband said if Juno is weaned and ready sooner than my four day weekend in Houston, he would take two days off work to care for him. That is big!

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katana600 wrote:

The happiest moment of all was when my husband said if Juno is weaned and ready sooner than my four day weekend in Houston, he would take two days off work to care for him. That is big!


That is huge Dee, not every husband will do that, he is a gem for saying that.


Sounds like you have a very caring and knowledgeable breeder that is raising your baby to be a well socialized bird and it will make the transition to your home that much easier.

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