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Just Got My Grey


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My friend just gave me my new best friend. I have been looking into getting a grey for a long time since I have many other birds (4 cockatiels, 17 parakeets and 2 love birds) and my friend was getting rid of his grey b/c he was not spending enough time with her. We think she is about 8 years old and I was curious to know if greys can learn to speak their whole life or only when they are young? She speaks plenty now but I want to teach her more things. She is very playful and loves hanging from my hand and is a great bird. I just got her on Saturday and love it so far. Is there anything else I should know or do???

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Congratulation....I know how you feel. It is so much fun having a grey around.


I received my grey also from a friend and she is about 7 years old. I've had her for about 8 months now and she is learning new words almost weekly.


:P :P

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Gratz on your new friend and yes they can learn to say new things. Mine just learned Bobby (my husbands name) and come here. Hope she puts them together. Unfortantly mine is a closet talker. lol

Oh and welcomebudgie.jpg

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Congrats on your Grey. They are such awesome birds. I'm happy your friend gave the Grey to someone they know, and that your happy to have her. I have read so many stories of Greys ending up in adoption homes for placement. One was so neglected, he lost his beak. Obviously an extreme case, but it does happen.


What have you (your friend) named her??


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Thank you all. You made me feel better about the name. I am going soon to the vet to confirm her sex and to check her up. If the vet says she is a he I think I will still keep the name b/c I do not want to confuse her. I just found out that my neighbor has one also and was asking me about breeding them. How does this work and should I even consider it?

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Guest Monique

Congratulations!!! Yes, your bird can definitely learn new things for many year to come if it so CHOOSES to ... LOL. :) Except to see many changes in your birdie over the next few months. It does take them a while to adjust to a new home and really feel at home - just as it would you or I. Bobbi Brinker has a great African Grey bird and I would highly recommend reading it if you don't have a Grey book already.


I love Parakeets and Cockatiels .. they are so cute.


I am googling and googling and googling but I cannot find this ... but once I was told that Cockatiels can be a carrier of a virus that can be deadly to a Grey. Please double-check with your vet, wash hands before handling either/or, and don't allow them to mix. I cannot remember the name of the virus but I DO know Cockatiels can be tested for it. I never researched into it further as I didn't own a Cockatiel at the time I saw the post (not on this board).

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