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Bird Fighting in Conn.


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The wife told the authorities that he used them for fighting. Some of them were blind from having their eyes pecked out, some were injured so badly they had to be put down. There were over 150 birds.

These men deserve to have the same done to them! :evil:

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I can't look I'm just can't imagine the cruelty of some people how horrible they should have very large prison sentences for people like that but they will probably get a small fine and a slap on the wrist it make me sick to call someone like that a human being he's should be labeled as a monster.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot even read the article. Some people just make me absolutely sick and I agree with everyone he should have his eyes pecked out by the birds that are still alive and his wife should too if she knew about it and did NOTHING. I just don't understand why alot of people do not realize that if a person can be that cruel to an animal, guess what? A human is their next victim. Normal people do not do stuff like that. Okay off my rant...

On a lighter note hi everyone :) Ihave not posted in quite a while but Shaka Zulu and I are doing well and I hope everyone else is :)

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