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heavy metal poisoning


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I am not sure about how it is treated but the first step would be the blood work to screen for heavy metals. What makes you think the bird has heavy metal poisoning? That would cost what most blood work cost I would think. I think that birds with heavy metal poisoning have vomiting and eventually seizures. If that perch your were talking about was stainless steel then it should not be a problem.


My vet told me once that some birds can be in a cage for 20 yrs with lead, zinc ect and never get poisoned because they didn't chew on it.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/28 00:45

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Wow I've never heard of such thing until now. Blood work is a must I would like to think. I'd ask the vet, perhaps call and inquire about it first. I know vets are pricey, but that does sound serious. I would imagine that they would have the bird on meds of some sort too. I'm going to have to research this myself so I too am familiar with it.

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Chellation therapy would be what they'd use. It's a drug, that when ingested, binds with the metals that are inside the bird (or person), and are excreted.


Some links that may or may not the useful:










Some of the information contained is quite technical and probably not overly relevant unless you're a vet. However I don't think there's anything wrong with arming yourself with knowledge and being able to engage in a discussion about treatment with your vet. Good luck, I hope birdie is ok!

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Pat - The rust on the bottom of the cage will not cause heavy metal poisoning in your new bird. Parrots Cages are made of iron and powder coated.


Is your new bird showing these symptoms?:


Symptoms: feather picking, depression, gastrointestinal stasis, intermittent lethargy, seizures, dysphagia, ataxia, increased thirst and urination, loss of balance, dehydration, weight loss, green or bloody diarrhea and death.


Heavy metal poisoning comes from:


- Sources of Zinc: padlocks, galvanized cage wire and dishes, clips or staples, bird toy snaps, zippers, keys, nails, plumbing nuts, quick links, nuts on animal transport cages, hardware cloth, chrome, and some anti-rust paints, shampoos and skin preparations.


- Sources of Lead: tap water, solder, batteries, galvanized wire, hardware cloth, bells with lead clappers, linoleum, paints (lead-based, and those with leaded drying agents), stained glass, curtain weights, fishing and diving accessories, certain ceramic pieces, foil covering on champagne or wine bottles, leaded gasoline fumes, lead frames of stained glass windows and tiffany lamps.


If your bird does indeed have heavy metal poisoning, the cost is relevant to how serious it is. It could require a 24 hour or more stay in a vet hospital.


Once you have the blood drawn etc. to check, the treatment itself can be fairly cheap to cleanse the birds system.

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Ok I feel better now thanks Dan I just feel so sorry for him having to live in a cage like that no toys a metal perch a total seed diet. I don't know if he is showing any of those symtoms I don't have him here yet I went and saw him for a hour or so the other night after his Mom asked me if I wanted him and he seemed to be okay from what I could tell he's not plucking or anything like that and he just adores the young daughter she's 15 yrs old apparently she's the only one that can handle him he's very gentle with her. I can't pick him up for a week or 2 I gave her a deposit for him but I still owe some money for him plus I have to rearrange a few cages around here so that he can have a nice big cage to live in. and I need to find a place to quarintine him and that big cage. So much to do so little time.

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