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Hello, everyone. Please excuse my long absence, but with moving again, the divorce, school, and writerly things, I haven't had too much time.


Anyway, we got rid of the parakeets when we moved this time, and I am down to Skittles. There have been no problems with him, besides the whole "I hate you, DJ" kinda thing. Well, when we began the moving process, he unleashed a piercing scream.


It has been about... two months since that, and every day he has screamed. Since we live in an apartment now, I have to get him to stop somehow. I have used the training technique where you cover the cage with a blanket/towel all this time, but he still screams.


It doesn't seem to be triggered by anything; he'll scream when I'm in and out of the room. He'll scream three minutes after the punishment is done. It gets so frustrating that once I thrashed out and slapped the cage (the sheet was on, so he didn't see me). It shut him up though! Lol.


Any help anyone can give will be highly appreciated, and until I know what to do, I'll be continuing the blanket trick.


Thanks in advance.


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He didn't do it before so something is setting him off. Your problem could be caused by many things. Moving to a new place, the lack of another person in the house, the cage being in a bad area, less attention that he is was getting before the move, growing up a little more. Changes in routines. Less time out of a cage, not being familiar with the new things around him, possibly seeing other new people around, lack of regular habits that used to happen. Maybe being given less treats or needing a different type of treat. New toys that are around . Basic different schedules. Missing the keets. Or, he may just be going through a phase. You can be given a million suggestions on what to do but the one thing you should stop is that use of a towel. Obviously, it's not working yet you wanna continue until you find a solution. Towels shouldn't be used for certain reasons after it's been proven that it doesn't work. For all you know, you may be setting him off by using that towel. He screams when it covers him and he screams when you uncover him. *thrashing or slapping the cage isn't gonna do anything--with a bird that has a defenceive personality, that'll only scare him and with a bird that has an opposite personality, that's only gonna make his screaming worse. Some birds won't instantly stop a bad habit when the item being used is removed ( towel--sheet) such as screaming or screeching.You could rearrange the interiior of his cage but that may not work. You could put him closer to where all the action is going on but that may not work. You could offer lots more almonds and that may slowly lessen his screaming. You gotta try out different things.

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