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I'm so sad!


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:( I have to start working now, after 15 years no more being a stay at home mom for me....and I don't know how my CAG will handle my being gone. Do any of you have any suggestions for getting him used to not seeing me 24/7? He's very well behaved, is learning to talk (a lot!) and he just turned a year old this month. I'm worried about how he's going to react to my being gone for 25-30 hours a week.:(
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I think with a little time he will get used to it, just be sure to provide him with some toys and foraging opportunities to give him something to do while you are gone. He is still young and will adapt to it fairly easy compared to one that is 10 years or older.


I have worked for the entire time I have had Josey but even though they don't take to change easily its not impossible, you will just have to make the time you do spend with him special.


Others might have some other suggestions for you but do not get stressed out about it, he will be fine.

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I am a stay-at-home person and my fids see me almost all the time. There are times I have to be gone all day and they don't seen to miss me. They have lots of toys, some of which are foraging toys, in their cages and I always leave the TV or radio on and they are just fine. Don't worry they will most likely appreciate you all the more.

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I will leave the tv on, so there's some background noise in the room for the CAG and conure...and I make sure they always have plenty of food and toys in the cage to play with. I just hate the idea of them being locked up in the cage all day while I'm gone, they're used to being out whenever they scratch the cage, or in the conure's case, SHRIEK to come out. LOL

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I definitely feel for you...My boyfriend and I both work full time, and I absolutely despise having to leave Chimay behind in the morning. He handles it very well, we really try to make sure he has plenty of engaging toys in the cage with him and we leave the radio on.


How soon do you begin your job? If you have a few days, you might want to try "warming him up" by spending a few hours away from home each day, extending the amount of time a little bit every time. That's what we did with Chimay when he came home to us for the first time. One day we'd go out for about an hour, then two, then four. It might help to desensitize them to your absence.


Good luck!

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I leave either a TV or radio on all day for Jenna, try to keep her cage filled with fun toys and foraging stuff, and make sure she is the first to be greeted when I get home. I have an advantage; my disabled Mom lives with me and she and a caregiver are in the house during the day, so Jenna does get occasional company. But I am her preferred person, and she does fine until I get home. She can make me feel REALLY guilty when I leave for work, though, she makes the most plaintive calling noises when I say goodbye to her . . .

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Aww, that would break my heart in two if my CAG starts to call for me when I'm leaving for work! That's all I would need! I start work in a few days, so I still have time to get him used to my being away, little by little. I'm definitely his one and only love, as he will hardly tolerate anyone else in the house handling him or even getting too close! I really feel bad.:(

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I'm a stay-at-home mom and a full-time student, although most of my classes are on-line. Granted I've only had Dixie since April and Sterling since 7/4/09, they both know that I won't be here all the time, everyday. I do have the son I'm staying at home for! LOL. What's really funny is how they behave when they see my car pull into the driveway. If I don't come into the house immediately, they will both start looking for me vocally and it's pretty funny, Sterling (U2) starts with, Hello, Hello, and then his flock call, Dixie say's "Mommy?, Mommy?" and then repeats Sterling's call or her "hawk scream". They do adjust, but they also love it when you come home, it can be very special for them!


Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling and George

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If I just go out for a quick trip to the grocery, it's so funny when I pull in the driveway! I can hear the Pekingese dogs, the CAG, and the conure all crying and chirping and calling to me....such a commotion even for a short time away! I can only imagine how they'll be when I'm gone for even longer!

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