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Josey has a couple of them but they still don't keep her nails down as much as I would like but they do need a certain amount to be able to climb. Place them where they will use them like by their food and water bowls and it helps.


Think about how those long sharp claws do for backs and shoulders, I always look like I have been in a fight with a cat and lost.:(

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My Ana Grey uses her cement perch as a sleeping perch. I don't believe it helps her nails so I use a toenail clipper to trim both my fids' nails. It takes two of us so I hold Ana Grey/Sully and one of my kids clips. Takes but a minute and they don't seem to mind.

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I have concrete perches (2) in his cage and like judy says they dont work as well as i thought.George is going to have his nails clipped agin next week the second in 9 mths .My hands are beginnning to look like ive been foraging in a thorn bush again ! lol

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Well I find that with Adaya the cement perches work well she has a concrete swing and also two others in her cage I think because she is still young and her nails aren't really hard the concrete perches work okay for her they don't work for Tyco very well I'm like Judy my shoulders and chest and back always look like a cat has been using me for a scratching post. I had Fergies nails dremaled at her last wellbird check up a couple months ago what a dream she is to hold you can't even feel any sharpness at all. she's quite a bit older than my Grey and not as active I think with my greys they need to have their nails somewhat sharp to be able to grip on to things so they don't fall.

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Just like Ana Grey, Harvey only uses his concrete perch to sleep on too - which means the minimal of movement!! Up until now (Harvey's 7 months old) I haven't had to trim his nails (actually, I don't think I will ever try this - the vet may be called upon!!) and Harvey's nails are fine. I think they are good for the differing thickness so their feet aren't "hooked" around a circular perch, but as for the nail trimming - it doesn't happen in our house! ;)

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Charlie has a concrete perch but I dont think it keeps his nails trimmed.I am lucky as the last time I was covered in scratches and cuts he let me just trim them with clippers,just the very tips.

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Mine is positioned so Alfie has to stand on it to eat so his nails aint bad but he must prefer to stand more on his left foot as they are a little shorter than the right foot but not had to trim yet in the first year ;)

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Chimay has a grooming perch that we had purchased from Petsmart...it's not concrete per say, and it's not sandpaper. It's hard to describe. Here's a link...I bought the green one:




WE LOVE IT!! Chimay had his nails done at the vet when we'd done his well-check, and we haven't had to touch them since. When I picked up the solid concrete perches I thought they felt a little too harsh, so we went for the other one.

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wow my Eclectus has the same kind of perch but I didn't purchase it from pet smart I bought it at the bird store so pet smart might have been cheaper :( he is due for a new one any time now so maybe I will check out pet smart :) thanks chimaysmommy


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