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How fast we have become friends


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I have posted several times now about my 15 year old CAG that we rehomed. We are great friends now me and Kiwi. The longer she is with us the funnier the situation gets, here is my weekend. Now I know why you all take great joy and pride in your Greys, they are so funny.


So a funny story from this weekend, she decided to take up making my poor puppies squeak toy noise over and over again. Must be fun and I found it funny for the moment! So my little dog keeps running in the living room thinking someone was going to play with him and big surprise i am reading and Kiwi is on her cage. So this happens about 3 times and finally he goes over to the cage and Kiwi squeaks again. So he barks, so what does Kiwi do, she barks back. Ow yes now we have a barking sqeak toy fight going on all day Sunday. YIKES! It doesn't get better then this, I laughed all day it was histerical!

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I know it can be so funny with these guys around I'm sure they must make me belly laugh at least 3or4 times a day they come out with the darnedest things sometimes. They say kids say the darnedest things but I say Parrot do it far more often than kids. I'm so glad to hear your enjoying your new found friend.:laugh:

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:lol: That's too funny. It's unbelievable that they are capable of mimicking sounds so precisely.


Lexi learned the beeping of the answering machine, so we could never determine if we really had a message or if it was her when we got home.

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That is hilarious. I had something like that today. Whisper just today started saying "You wanta go outside?" Of course she sounds just like me so every time she says it the dog runs over to the door thinking she's going outside. She then looks back at me like "well are we going or not?:

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