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HELP! i need sleep..


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Hello all,


Ever since I divorced my wife, and she left with her grey "Finch", My grey "Fat-So" will start screeching as soon as the morning light hits him. He screeches like a hawk. When we first got him he would do the same thing, because the previous owners would keep him locked in his cage with a blanket over him, so he would sleep in longer. I have had him for a year now and thought we snapped him out of the habit.


I understand that he is depressed that two of his flock mates are gone, but I want to get some sleep on the weekends and be able to open the windows to get some fresh air in at night from time to time.


Thank you.


PS: locking him up in his cage with a blanket over it, is not an option.

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Hi Daggerblade,


I don't know how long it has been since the others moved out, but it is a big hit to your Grey to lose his "Flock".


Fat So is feeling very insecure right now and needs the one and only member of his flock there evidently when he wakes. He is probably having very bad memories of what it was like at his previous home when things went wrong.


I am sorry your going through this. along with your other problems, but your both in this together and it will blow over with time and patience for both of you.

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I don't know hardly anything because I don't even have my Grey yet...but maybe someone else can comment on what I am about to say whether it is a good idea or not...


But, I have been through a divorce before so I know its not easy...however...I am sure the other Grey might be having trouble adjusting as well, so it might be worth asking your ex if the 2 could have a play date...seeing eachother might help both greys out.


What do the more expirenced owns think?

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I am sorry to hear you are having problems with your grey, Fat-So, but they are very sensitive to our emotions and he does miss his other flock members, you need to give him time to adjust, divorce is hard on pets also besides the obvious human suffering.


You need to be very understanding of him and give him more attention, he was used to having another grey for company and another person to give him attention and that is gone now, he is grieving for them.


I think in time he will adjust but right now he knows his world has changed and he isn't happy with it.


Other more experienced grey owners will chime in with their ideas and suggestions for you so hang in there.


I don't know whether a "play date" with Finch will help any, if your wife is gone for good and is definitely keeping Finch then bringing him back for a visit might cause more harm than good as he will have to learn to adjust to not having Finch around.

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hello sorry for all this stuff you 2 are going thru, I was thinking mabey try a sleep cage in your room with you. he can see you still asleep, but he can see you and know hes not alone and you will be up soon. My grey will be quiet almost always if he sees my eyes closed. mabey the new smaller cage will not bring back bad memories. if you keep your room dark till you wake it should help also.

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Hi Daggerblade, I think Fatso just needs time to adapt to a new routine. Once he knows his loving companion is not going away too, I believe he will settle down. Just give him quality one-on-one time when you are together. Have you introduced yourself in the Welcome/Introduction Room so everyone can give you a proper hello?

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Thank you all, for posting a reply!


I have not posted in the welcome forum yet.


I keep on thinking that if i got him a companion that all would be better, that he would be happy with some one else being at the house, while i am gone that he can talk to and sing with. JG told me that he might feel that he is getting replaced, and i understand that as well.


What i am afraid of is that, they like routine and stability. If I were to give him more attention now and he got used to that, if i were to stop he might starting acting up again, over that.


I will move his cage into my room to see if that works.


( I apologise about my punctuation, lack of sleep for the last two weeks is killing my brain. )


I will post some pictures of him when i get home.<br><br>Post edited by: daggerblade, at: 2009/07/27 22:47

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Fat-so is probably screeching for you. Since half of his flock left, he might have it in his head that he will wake up and be all alone. The screeching may be just a call to see you.


I would suggest a sleeping cage in your room, where he can see you.


I'm not as experienced as some of the other grey owners, so I may be completely off, but it sounds logical to me.<br><br>Post edited by: stephjls, at: 2009/07/28 03:57

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Like cflanny and stephjls mentioned, I recommend a smaller, portable sleep cage. Make it part of your routine to say goodnight, and welcome him/her on your time in the morning.


I let my birds see me before I'm ready to let them out and feed in the morning. They've adjusted nicely to sitting quietly until they know it's their time. The trick is consistent interaction on your part so your bird knows what to expect.


Try it out. You can also adjust where their sleep space is if one room doesn't work out. I don't get concerned about keeping the room dark - they have learned to be patient.


Some questions to think about; Do you have enough play toys in the cage to keep Fat-so from getting bored? Have you tried to put a stuffed animal nearby?

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If I may, can I suggest you set a routine that is suitable to you. Example: 5 days a week get up at the same time and greet him, 2 days a week get up at your sleep in time and greet him, do this on a regularly! At your greet time give him a treat, or hold him, etc. With our huge flock, we do this, and have time to our selves. We do this for feeding, bathing, etc, the fids love it.;)

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B) As a side note, cover his cage,he needs around 10 hr's sleep, he can hear you even if he can,t see you, but set the rules for him, you can vary the times slightly at first and after a while you have more leeway. When ever you leave, tell him where your going and that you promise you'll be back...Set him up to your schedules...Sometimes it,s not the best to have your bird in your sleeping room..:)

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I would try a smaller sleep cage in your bed room.I think your grey is feeling very confused at whats going on and is also picking up on your emotions.Divorce is very traumatic for all involved.A sleep cage close to you of a night will help him feel more secure.That way once he wakes a reasuring word from you may restore piece before he works himself up in to a screeching frenzy.Establish some sort of routine as soon as you can and dont be scared of giving him lots of attention, dont forget he has lost two flock members,greys are very sensative to these things.Dont be angry at him,sympathy and reasurance will restore night time harmony much faster.Good luck and I hope you have a good nights sleep.

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I agree with she. Move him closer to you. he's insecure and that's absolutely NOT a good thing with a grey. If this goes on long enough he may begin showing other signs of distress (i.e. plucking). You need to reassure him. And you need to do that until he becomes comfortable with the new arrangement. Introducing a new bird isn't going to help that it will only draw more of your attention away from him.


Sleep when you're dead. lol.

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