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Yep Im going to run a contest.

I would like for you to submit other bird stories. It can be back yard birds, front yard birds, or zoo birds. Just as long is there is not a grey in the story. lol Sorry but this is the other bird area.

It can be funny, sad, cute or whatever. Must be a true story.

A picture attached of the bird or a bird like it would be great too since we all love pictures.

I'll be letting my husband pick the winner cause he can be objective. Ill read him the stories and let him decide the best.

The winner well get a banner made by me using the picture you attach. If you don't add a picture Ill hunt one down to use of the bird your story is about.

I'll give you all till the end of the month to enter your story.

Good luck

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OK Tari.. Here ya go..


This is the story of the bird, Hercules… Its because of Hercules that I am here in the first place..



I had just finished doing a seminar for some automotive tradesmen.. I was standing outside answering questions about the nights topic when all of a sudden I heard a PLOP..


A baby Starling had falled from her nest and crashed onto the cement.. It must have been a 10 foot fall for the little guy… I thought for sure that she was dead..


As I approached I noticed that this baby was still breathing. I pick her up and after a short time she started moving again.. Amazing I thought.. How tough this baby was.. How it wanted to live..


I tried to get the baby back into her nest but that was impossible.. So after trying to get one of the other guys to take this baby home.. I was left with the task…


I had no idea about anything regarding how to hand raise a European Starling.. So on the way home I called my wife and told her to look on the internet and see if she could find something on how to raise a baby bird..




The next morning I thought for sure that the baby would be dead.. I was wrong. As I opened the box I had her in to look inside it was LOVE AT FIRST.. Staring at me was this tiny creature with this huge yellow mouth WIDE OPEN waiting to be fed..


Months went by and Hercules was an awesome pet… I built a custom cage for Hercules as I wanted to keep her in the Den and I didn’t want to have a “cage” there..




Hercules was the most content bird you could imagine. She would play and play in her cage all day.. She was also allowed her out time everyday and night.. I was happy.


One day I noticed that Hercules was breathing strange.. Kinda sounded like a weeze if you ask me.. but Hercules looked fine and was still her old self playing and flying all over the place..


One morning Hercules didn’t come out of her cage.. Hours later we were at the Vet.. The Vet saw a tumor on the top of Hercules’ windpipe… She was suffocating.


The operation didn’t go well.. I got the call in the morning that Hercules was dead.. God that made me cry like a baby for DAYS.. You would think that I lost a person in my life the way I cried.. but Hercules was a family member.. and I felt that way about her..


Hercules let me to start thinking about birds again… We got Sammy our Dusky Conure because of the love we had for Hercules.. After we lost Sammy we got Ceasar… and here I am.. so like I said when I started. Hercules is the reason I am here.. True Story….







CD<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/10 01:25

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Oh come on. You might be surprised how well you can tell a story.

Don't some of you have some kind of story to give? Even a two liner one?

Met bird.

Saved bird.

Here is picture? lol

I may have to close this contest if I dont get a few more stories.

If I do Ill let you know well ahead of time and Ill be doing a different contest.

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I guess there is not many story tellers on this forum according to the entries so far, Tari, I'm sorry this hasn't done so well yet, but maybe some of them need a little more time to add their story. I'm trying to figure out if I have one to tell, will let you know if I do.:cheer:

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This is Schorie, which means 'blacky' in Hebrew. He used to come to our balcony a few times a day and if he wouldn't see anything he could eat on the sill he would just descend onto the floor and walk into the kitchen (which is ajacent to the balcony) - and 'beg' just like a dog would do for something to eat. It was nice while it lasted, notwithstanding the droppings he left around (if he'd walk in while I wasn't there to see it) but at a certain time he decided it was enough and he moved on. We have not seen him anymore, but that's okay: I am very content to know whatever he did was done of his free will. So, I'm happy for him :)

(I don't know how much of a story this is - but I will remove it if this was not the intention ;) ) Schorie3resized.jpg


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I love your stories so far they are just great.

Im not entering but I have a story to help this move along. Keep in mind I am awful at this. lo

My First quaker was a green quaker and his name was Draco. He was also the first bird I ever hand fed.

He was so spoiled.

My mother had been in the hospital out of state and I had been gone a week. He was only about 2 months old just weaned and I was so worried he would forget me. lol

I got home and of course had to run and get him out of the cage. He jumps up on my shoulder and grabs a piece of skin. I said ouch. His reply was. "ouch ouch ouch". His very first words and I laughed and he laughed for the very first time.

I was so happy I cried.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/07/12 17:05

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Just want to let you know Ill be closing this sometime after lunch and annouce a winner soon after.

Keep an eye on this forum though Ill have a new contest up Monday or Tuesday.

Something I think you all well like much better.

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Ok, even though this contest is over. I thought I would post a story here, because I think this thread should stay active. :laugh:


I absolutely enjoyed every story and those with pictures were beautiful! Wish Celery would have posted a photo of the Jawbreaker though ;-)


My Bird Story -


I grew up on a ranch the first 13 years of my life in the San Joaquin valley of California. Which meant my Brother and I were fairly isolated from other kids, except when in school.


So, we used our imaginations and just played whatever it was we made up or thought of. We enjoyed exploring distant lands ( the other Land owners areas) and playing in Ponds, creeks etc.


Anyone in the "Sticks", I think, has pet's of every nature. We had chickens, rabbits, cows/bulls, horses, horny toads, frogs, crawdads (ouch), dogs, parakeets, goldfish...anything breathing became a pet...if we could catch it :-)


So, one day I was walking along and noticed a pure white pigeon sitting on the ground to the left and front of me. As I walked closer, it watched, but didn't really act like it was afraid. Finally as I slowed way down and carefully bent down and slowly reached for him, he let me pick him up!!


So, my dad helped me build a cage for him and after a few days, my dad clipped his wings so he wouldn't fly off.


I named this Pigeon "Jiffy" and as it turned out, I found she was a girl when she laid an egg :-)


So, I handled Jiffy, carried her wherever I went and just played with her. She got to where she would just follow me walking along wherever I went.


Finally all her feathers grew back and she became flighted. She would take off and do a few laps around the field and come back to me.


One day I took off on my bicycle and I was about 2 city blocks away from the house and Jiffy came flying like a madman and landed on my shoulder as I was riding my bike down the dirt road!!


Needless to say, we had many good times over the Months with Jiffy.


Then one day, she flew a few laps around the house, took a line and just kept flying off in to the distance.


It must have been the "Call" to find a Mate and I never saw Jiffy again....


I sure missed her and still do when I remember her, but I know she was happy and that she brought joy into our lives :-)


The beginning...........

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Tari - :-(


I know, it is a sad ending, but it is still a childhood "Good" memory I will never forget :-)


The good news is he lived to an old age and enjoyed many grand children and great grand children....In my mind anyway!!

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